Mostly Free & Fun Things To Do With NJ Kids This Weekend Sept 27-28: Harvest Festival, Cockpit Day, Indian Dance & More!

Autumn is officially here New Jersey! These next couple of months will be filled with cooler sweater weather, pumpkins & apples and best of all, plenty of festivals and events to keep families busy and happy. Check out one of the many seasonal festivals our state has to offer, like the Bergen County Harvest Fest & Craft Fair or the 33rd Annual Harvest Festival at Trailside Nature Center. And if you want to keep the back-to-school learning momentum going, bring the kiddos to check out airplanes at Teterboro Airport’s Open Cockpit Day, hear a story from a famous children’s author at the Morristown Festival of Books or sit back and enjoy a vibrant Indian dance performance at the NJ State Museum. And remember, you can check out the full list of weekend activities in our Event Calendar.

On the Farm Birthday Party Ideas on Long Island

With bouncy houses parties taking over the birthday scene, why not opt for an out-of-the-box idea? Farms across Long Island host kiddie birthday parties, complete with hands-on animal encounters and farm-life experiences. Take a look at our list of family-friendly farms that will give your child a hee-haw happy birthday. For other great ideas, check out our Long Island Party Guide.

What Preschool Directors Want To Tell You About Admissions

It’s understandable that applying to preschool is nerve-racking: It’s one of the first decisions you make for your child’s education. But at Mommy Poppins, we believe that applying to preschool can be a sane experience, and we want to do what we can to dispel some of the anxiety. So we're sharing the inside scoop from our recent preschool fair where we interviewed a number of top NYC preschool directors, administrators and teachers for their tips on the admissions process. After all, who knows it better than the people who make the decisions?

Save Time on Doctor’s Visits (and Maybe Win an iPad) at LiveHealth Online

Like every mom, I hate when my boys get sick, but it’s a fact of life, especially now that school is back in session and kids just love passing germs around to one another. Couple that with the cooler weather on its way, and... you get the idea. When illness hits my house, seeing the pediatrician is usually the best option. But there are times when it’s not possible (like at 2am), or I’m unsure if that runny nose or low-grade fever is worth a trip to the doctor’s office.

Believe me, it’s not that I’m too lazy to take them—it’s more like I’m scared about what’s waiting for us once we get there. Last year, I took my older son to the pediatrician with a cough (with my younger, healthy son in tow) and we sat in a jam-packed waiting room for nearly 30 minutes. It turned out it was just a cough—but a week later they both came down with a nasty virus. I know, they could have picked that up anywhere, but I'm pretty sure they were exposed to it there. So you can understand my resistance to run to the doctor for every little ailment. That’s why I was definitely intrigued by our sponsor, LiveHealth Online, which offers video chats with a real-live U.S.-based doctor 24/7, all year.

More Long Island Restaurants Where Kids Can Eat Free

We all know the drill: You’re excited at the thought of not having to cook 3-4 meals to satisfy the choosy eaters in your bunch, only to pay $10 for a plate of food at a restaurant they barely touch. The frustration of throwing money (and perfectly edible food) into the garbage practically ruins the night out. Well, not at these Long Island eateries. Several restaurants offer kids eat free promotions that are sure to please the pickiest of palates. And for more cheap eats in the area, check out our original post, Long Island Restaurants Where Kids Eat Free.

New Jersey Gyms with Child Care

As busy mamas, we cherish those oh-so-rare moments when we have a few hours (if we're super lucky!) to do whatever we want; whether it's sleeping, shopping, taking a class, or hitting the gym for an intense workout. It can be tricky to squeeze in a spin class when you're in full-time mommy mode, but there are many gyms in New Jersey that offer babysitting options so you can get in shape while your children stay safe. Below is a list of gyms that offer on-location daycare for fitness-oriented mamas.

Happy New Year! Coffee, Pumpkins, and Culture: This Week's Picks September 22-26

A week that starts with free coffee and ends with the unburdening of a year’s worth of wrongs is all good. McDonald’s is giving away java with no purchase required. The Jewish New Year is on Thursday, which means many schools will be closed. Your kids probably won’t even have homework. Check the Mommy Poppins event calendar for things to do on Thursday, or consider an outing to the L.A. County Fair. Whether or not you are Jewish, it is a great day to head to the beach, but in Venice the holiday celebration Tashlich by the Sea is one way for a family to celebrate the culture of Judaism, if not the actual religion. Speaking of cultural, end the week on Friday at the San Gennaro Festival in Hollywood.

5 Fall Deals: Save Big on Creative Classes for NYC Kids

Fall is here which means the kids are back into the swing of school and it's time to sign them up for enriching extracurricular classes. Today's deals post features five fabulous offers from high-quality after-school programs, including fencing, animation, art, theater and improv. Don't wait to take advantage of these great bargains—discounts this good will be gone long before the first snow falls.
