Sports Programs for Special Needs Kids
Submitted by Dena on

Finding appropriate recreation programs for your special needs child can be extremely challenging. Far in the future are the days when my children will understand which direction to run the bases, why the referee’s blowing that darn whistle and why kids are wearing different-colored uniforms. And the days when my children will understand, accept and implement the idea of taking turns and sharing a ball with 20 other children without having a complete meltdown seem even farther away. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the “least restrictive environment” when it comes to educating our children. But how can most special needs children be held accountable to the strict rules and regulations of a rigid sports program without becoming agitated with the whole process? Well, with the increase in available special needs recreation programs throughout New Jersey – programs that are appropriate for my children - I can finally be a “Sports Mom”!