Click Here: 4 Cool New Websites You Didn't Know You Couldn't Live Without

The web is a beautiful and ever-changing thing. Amidst the web clutter, every once in a while, a cool new web site springs up that is so awesome it's hard to imagine how you lived without it before. We've been keeping our eye on a couple of new ones that are super useful or just plain fun for moms and dads, with great info like finding good family friendly restaurants in NYC (finally!), a tech blog for non-techy mommas, a site just for Jewish moms and one just to make you laugh (till you cry). 
Check 'em out: 


5 Brooklyn Restaurants Serving Thanksgiving Dinner (Plus, 3 Places with Meals to Go)

I don’t know where I'll spend Thanksgiving this year.  My Mom usually makes a muti-course, gourmet meal, but she’ll be with my brother on the west coast. I could cook, but with a baby and toddler, I'll probably only get around to a side or two. I've never gone to a restaurant on Thanksgiving, but this might be the year to start a new tradition. Some of my favorite Brooklyn restaurants will be open, and three other places are offering Thanksgiving to go. Which leaves me with just one task: decide which menu sounds best, and soon! Restaurants are booking up fast and places with prepared foods require orders a week in advance.

NJ Weekend Nov 6&7: Native American Events and more!

This weekend's abundance of Native-American Indian programs for kids is a hint that Thanksgiving is just around the corner!  Kids can learn all about the Lenape Indians and take home some fun Indian crafts from events at the Morris Museum, the Museum of Early Crafts and Trades and the Miller Cory House.  For those who want to brave the brisk outdoors, there is a night dig for fluorescent minerals at the Franklin Mineral Museum and both a toddler and big kid tour at Watchung Stables.  Finally, there are some fun shows you won't want to miss this weekend.  Strega Nona is playing at the NJPAC and you can even attend a pre-show workshop.  Older kids may enjoy Mad Science's CSI LIVE! at the Bergen PAC.

Things to Do in New York City for Kids & Families November 6 & 7: Diwali, Day of the Dead, Firebird & Free Museum Programs

There is plenty going on in New York City this ING Marathon weekend to keep the kids occupied and entertained – and maybe just maybe-- they will forget about all that candy stashed away from last weekend!  Some best bets are the dramatic performance of The Firebird by The Little Orchestra Society, the Family Saturday at the New Museum and the Fall Family Day at the Eldridge Street Museum.  There is also a wonderful reading of the new and charming NYC inspired book, Emma’s Journey, an enriching musical program at the Morgan Library and even a birthday celebration for everyone’s favorite video game character – Mario.  

Don’t forget that this weekend is also the first weekend of November and many of the city’s museums are offering free admission and cool family programming, like The Queens Museum of Art where they are celebrating the Mexican Day of the Dead.  If you haven’t been to the Forbes Galleries yet to check out the truly amazing collection of antique toys and Monopoly games housed within you may want to hurry. These galleries will be permanently closing on November 20, 2010 and the incredible collection will be auctioned off.

There is also ice skating, a new exhibit at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, and a lot more fun to be had in our events calendar.

Read on to do your weekend planning and have a great one!

Eight Non-Turkey Ideas for November Fun

November. You’re thinking turkeys and parades. You’ve already received eight holiday invitations and started stashing gifts under the bed. But there will be some nights, afternoons, or weekends when you don’t want to think about how to get the kids to eat Aunt Flo’s green bean casserole or what to do with the flock of hand turkeys adorning the wall. Did you know every day in November is some special day? We gathered a few ideas from the Utterly Random Holiday Calendar to help you when you don’t have a good answer for “What are we doing today?”

Eataly Italian Food Market near Madison Square Park, but is it Kid-Friendly?

When I first heard that Eataly, the gigantic new emporium of enticing Italian edibles, would be recreated in the Flatiron District (the first one is in Turin) by uber-chef Mario Batali and a few of his big-name buddies, I figured the prices would be off the charts and the food would probably be too fancy schmancy for the younger set. To hear it described it certainly doesn't sound like a magnet for your munchkins, but think again. Eataly (which sounds like "Italy" as spoken by the heavily accented chef in Disney's Lady & The Tramp) is full of super snacks, sweet and savory, convenient lunch options, and plenty of tempting take home eats to boot.

What's more, because it's just across the street from the ever-popular Madison Square Park, it's a massively welcome kid-friendly alternative to the ridiculously long lines at nearby Shake Shack.  Stroller-friendly and offering heavenly coffee for the grown-up set, you'll be pleased to know about this new addition to the neighborhood. Read on for the full scoop (or two, if you like gelato!).

Toys: The Inside Story at the Long Island Children's Museum

Ever wonder just how that Hokey Pokey Elmo actually wiggles and dances?  No, it isn’t just the batteries.  The answer to this and many other toy functionality questions can be answered with a visit to the Long Island Children’s Museum where Toys: The Inside Story is currently on exhibit.  The exhibit is fun for parents, full of classic toys like Etch a Sketch, jacks in the box and other toys from our childhood as well as an engaging experience for kids where they can learn and experiment with gears, circuits and pulleys – all while playing with their favorite toys.  By the way, a rotating cam and follower makes Elmo dance.

Wednesday Links: Veggie Love, God Questions, Me Time and the Old Work-Life Balance with a Cool Band Alert to Boot

In the effort of full disclosure, we have more computers in our apartment than we have living beings. That count includes Bubbles, our fish. Like most moms and dads these days, we get the latest news online (the TV is usually turned to a reality show or Team Umizoomi). Checking the headlines often turns to surfing the latest sales at or, more than likely, reading parenting sites and parenting blogs. I’ve gathered a few gems for you. Halloween may be over, people, but feel free to bust out those leftover candies while perusing these goodies from around the web.
