Beyond Ni Hao: Chinese Language Lessons for NYC Kids

Oh, to be young again! Like tennis, ballet and good hygiene, a second language is best started when you're young. And local kids are lucky: New York City is such a melting pot, they've got plenty of language classes to choose from.

The most widely spoken language in the world, Mandarin, is also one of the most popular to learn. Of course, watching Ni Hao, Kai-lan can only take your kid so far, but hearing my daughter count to three in Mandarin inspired me to research Chinese language lessons for kids in the city.

Here's what I found.

Free Fun for Families at the New York Public Library's Centennial Festival

One hundred years ago, the main branch of the New York Public Library—you know, the one with those stately lions Patience and Fortitude guarding its entrance—opened on Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. Its construction took more than a decade, and when the stunning Beaux-Arts structure finally welcomed visitors for the first time, tens of thousands streamed through its doors.

These days, local families regularly enjoy the fabulous family programming offered at the branch, officially known as the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, especially in its wonderful Children's Center. The branch marks its birthday on May 23, and the NYPL is celebrating with some fantastic free events. In addition to the retrospective Celebrating 100 Years—which opens this Saturday, May 14 and features a history of the building, and notable items like a Gutenberg Bible and one of Malcolm X's journals—there will be a big festival the weekend of May 21-22 with great events for all ages.

We've rounded up highlights for that weekend, as well as info on related events going on at branches across the NYPL system.

Run for your life! 5K Races/Kids Fun Runs in NJ

Sometimes the full-throttle, leap-into-our-waiting-arms hug from a kid or two is the very reason we drag our tired selves out into the world each and every day, and sometimes... we just want to run the opposite direction. For this, there are 5K runs. Lots of 'em. And lest you feel guilty about this urge to jog, run, sprint, or 80s-style speedwalk away from the big love, you can bring the whole family to cheer you on and enjoy a fun run of their own. My youngest smoked the competition in her first race and she was wearing a tutu. I'm just saying — it's fun for the whole family. So, lace — or velcro — up, and we'll see you at the finish line.

Knitting, Sewing and Weaving Classes for NYC Kids

Most kids keep their hands busy with gadgets these days. Now we're not knocking technology—we love tech (we're a website, after all). But we also appreciate analog activities like textile crafts. And if given the chance, lots of kids do, too.

There's something really wonderful about tying knots in sequence or knitting a scarf or weaving a pattern. The satisfaction is tangible—literally. Crafty kids are lucky to live in NYC, since there are plenty of places where they can learn to work with yarn, thread, fiber and cloth. So unearth your old needles! Here's the scoop on spots that will get your family knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting and weaving in New York City.

NJ Strawberry Fields Forever: Pick-Your-Own Strawberry Picking Farms and Festivals

When it comes to strawberry season, bypass the frozen foods aisle and head to New Jersey, where pick-your-own farms reign, as do the West Cape May Strawberry King and Queen (really)!  Whether you’re looking for an afternoon photo-op in the field and a few pints of berries to bring home; or a full-on Strawberry Festival complete with strawberry shortcake, kettle corn, bands, craft fairs and a royal crowning, the Garden State has got it covered--no defrosting required!

Help Local Families Fight Cancer

Usually at Mommy Poppins, we write posts that help families take full advantage of living in this amazing city. But sometimes one of us will come across a story that's so moving, we want to turn things around and ask our readers to help others.

That's exactly how I felt when I read about Brooklyn parents Nathan and Elisa Bond, who were both diagnosed with aggressive forms of cancer this February—within nine days of each other.

Cancer seems to be omnipresent these days. Whether it's a relative, a friend, someone’s parent or child, we all know someone who's battled the disease. Elisa and Nathan's story is particularly heartbreaking. As a fellow New York City parent, I know the streets they walk, the playgrounds they likely visit and can relate to how much they love their 18-month-old daughter.

As much as I want to help everyone fighting cancer, sending checks to big charities doesn't feel very personal. It's nice to put faces to names, stories to statistics, and to help others do the same.

Read on to find out how you can help the Bonds, as well as other ways to get involved with local families whose lives have been touched by cancer.

What's Your Favorite Mommy Moment?

Being a mother is one of life's most wonderful gifts. There's no greater reward in my life than the bond I have with my kids—but I'll still take my breakfast in bed as a runner-up.

Here's a little slide show of some of the favorite mother-child moments from all of us at Mommy Poppins. These years just fly by. We hope they are filled with lots of hugs, kisses, squiggles and giggles.

Share your favorite Mommy moment with us here in the comments, or share your photos with us on our Facebook page. Happy Mother's Day!
