Fun Things To Do Over Christmas Break in New Jersey

With the events of the past week, the prospect of a day trip with the kids takes on a whole new level of gratitude and enjoyment. So once the gifts are all open, played with and grown tired of, it may be time to head out and spend some time together. Enjoy a few of the very special holiday and post-holiday events and venues in New Jersey. And just enjoy each other.


Ways to Help Sandy Hook Elementary School and the Newtown, CT Community

So many of us are left to try to make sense of a tragedy that can never be made sense of. We are left to console, support and love our families, friends and neighbors through this unthinkable pain. So many want to help, to do something that will make a difference. Within just one week three million dollars was raised for the Newtown Community.  A 5K race is being organized, fundraisers by local businesses and support forums are all listed here as well as two long standing non-profit Newtown organizations that are ready to receive your help.

Talking to School-Aged Children in the Aftermath of Sandy Hook

Every parent I've spoken to in recent days has been struggling with the pros and cons of talking - or not talking - to our kids about the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Doing so requires imagining the unimaginable; we at Mommy Poppins especially have in our thoughts our colleagues at Mommy Poppins Connecticut, some of whom have personal connections to the tragedy. For many parents, dropping our kids off at school this morning was an emotional moment. Picking them up might be, too, depending on what conversations are taking place on the playground. That's why we've collected some resources that might help you face whatever questions arise today, and as the week's news stories unfold.

Responding to the Sandy Hook Tragedy: Help for Parents

As parents, Friday’s events at Sandy Hook Elementary have affected us deeply. We are grieving both for the lives lost and the survivors. We grapple with whether, when and how to tell our children about it, and wonder why and how a thing like this could happen. Many of us want to help – even in some small way – and wish that we could ease the anguish of the families in the Newtown community. We are looking for a way forward.

For resources addressing the question of telling our children, the desire to do something – anything – to help, and ways to move forward, please read on. 

The Best Books for NJ Kids of Every Age

And they'll shriek squeaks and squeals, racing 'round on their wheels.
They'll dance with jingtinglers tied onto their heels.

They'll blow their floofloovers. They'll bang their tartookas.
They'll blow their whohoopers. They'll bang their gardookas.
And then they'll make ear-splitting noises galooks
On their great big electro whocarnio flooks!
-How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Unless, you get them books for the holidays. In which case they will lay on their bellies in bed, feet swinging behind them, the only sound the soft rustle of pages turning as their imaginations soar. Right? RIGHT!

Holiday Deals: NYBG Holiday Train Show, Live Theater, Music Lessons and More

Although we sent out our holiday deals email a few weeks back, we realize not everyone subscribes to our free newsletters (gasp!). And since these deals are so timely and great, we wanted to make sure all of our readers got a chance to check them out.

We reached out to some of our favorite organizations to secure discounts and bargains on awesome NYC experiences including the annual Holiday Train Show at the New York Botanical Garden, the charming new stage adaptation of The Velveteen Rabbit, private music lessons on all kinds of instruments from Hey Joe Guitar and more. So while you're running around town this season enjoying all of the holiday fun NYC has to offer, see if any of these deals can help you keep a little more money in your pocket.

Vigils in Connecticut to Remember and Support Sandy Hook Elementary School Victims

As Mr. Rogers famously said, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of 'disaster,' I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world." There are no words to express the shock and grief that so many around the world are experiencing over this unbelievable tragedy right here in our own state at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. It's safe to say that every parent's heart is broken. So many want to come together to show support, love and strength for the victims' families, for this community that is in so much pain. Indeed, there are so many helpers. Here is a list of vigils scheduled to occur over the next few days. Our hearts are broken for all of those affected.
