One Great (Birth) Day in NJ: Kids U

"That was the best birthday party EVER." David, age 6. We had the good fortune of choosing KidsU in Paramus for my son Miguel's party last week, and we all pretty much agreed with our buddy David's assessment. Fun, energetic, entertaining, varied and engaging are some of the happy adjectives that can be used for a birthday party at Kids U--oh, and moderately priced. And we like that one a lot. For even more great ideas, check out our NJ Kids' Birthday Party Ideas Guide.

Creative Birthday Parties in New Jersey: Somerset County

Every year for our daughter’s birthday, I strive to come up with a party that is unique yet affordable. We go to so many parties it's difficult to find something that hasn’t already been done, but it seems that the days of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey in your living room are officially gone. Today’s parties are action-packed, craft-oriented, and even educational! For fun party ideas throughout New Jersey, check out the NJ Kids' Birthday Party Ideas Guide. Here are some great ones in and around Somerset County.

Where to Buy Cool Easter Candy in NYC and How to Get Rid of It Post-Holiday

Time to break out those baskets: Easter is nigh! And here I feel like we were just making New Year's resolutions the other day.

If you feel the same way, and one of your resolutions was to, ahem, get in shape before summer, chocolates and jelly beans and Peeps, oh my!, could derail those plans.

But everything in moderation, I say! If you're going to indulge, do it with candy you love. We've rounded up some sweet places to stock up on unique treats, and we've also got tips on what to do with your leftovers (because you know your kids can't eat it all).

And if you're looking to fill those baskets with non-caloric goodies, we've got ideas for those too. Now let's hop to it!

Opting Out of the State Tests: The NYC DOE Issues New Opt-Out Guidelines for the ELA and Math Assessments

Last year, when the New York State Education Department decided to overhaul the ELA and Math Assessments to be more in line with the Common Core standards, there was a huge outcry. Teachers and parents alike complained that students weren't adequately prepared for the tougher tests and some families decided to have their kids skip the exams all together even though the NYC Department of Education refused to officially acknowledge opting out. Now that has changed.

Less than a week before the ELA Assessments, which begin on Tuesday, Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña has updated the New York State Tests Parent Guide with opting out guidelines. So families who don't want their children to take the ELA or Math Assessments have a clear course of action. We've got the details on how to opt out and the implications it has for your child.

Oh Baby! Fitness: Bonding & a Workout for New Moms and Babies

Between spit-up-filled days and sleep-deprived nights, finding time to work out with a baby at home can feel like mission impossible. Luckily for New Jersey mothers, Branchburg Sports Complex is now offering Oh Baby! Fitness Classes, where new mothers can work out with their children, while also bonding with other moms.
