Top Posts and Reader Survey Update

Last month, I announced the Mommy Poppins Reader Survey. I am still collecting responses and if you haven't done it yet, I strongly urge you to take the survey. I'm getting great feedback that I think is really going to help make the site better.

Happily, one of the main thrusts of the responses have been that people are loving the site and just want more. I'm working on bringing you more, but to get there I need to grow readership and start generating some income so I can add features. To help get there, next week I am doing an awesome Subscriber-Drive-Give-away-A-Thon. More on that tomorrow, but if you don't normally check in every day, I suggest you make an exception for the next week. It's going to be a lot of fun.

After the Top Posts, I will share some of the Reader Survey results and answer some of the questions that have come up so far.

Top Posts for October 2007:

10 Halloween Parades for NYC Kids

Free Swap for Kids Halloween Costumes

Five Food Hacks: Getting kids to eat vegetables and love it

Sensory savvy snacks help kids do better in school

Columbus Day Weekend Apple Picking and Festivals

Halloween Parent Hacks and last minute links

Congratulations to Izzy's Mom who won the Great Green Giveaway. She'll receive free tickets to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, a copy of the BBG Gardening with Children book and a Tree in a Box.

It's not over yet, folks. Halloween is tomorrow and there's still time to check out some of the coolest and most fun Halloween ideas and resources I've found around the web.

Blue Man Creativity Center, Reggio Emilia and Preschool Parenting Talk

You know the main thing I worry my kids are missing out on in their education in New York? It's not so much math, social studies or reading. It's Creativity. I don't mean art. I mean just random, wacky NYC Creativity. This post is about a really cool new preschool, a hot educational philosophy, and a preschool parenting talk that are all aimed at putting more of that big C type of creativity back into childhood.

Best Environmental Sites for Parents and Kids

Due to technical difficulties, yesterday's post did not go out to subscribers. If you would like to read yesterday's post about Zipcar, click here.

I've put together a list of some great sites that promote environmentalism. Some are kid sites with games, activities and projects to get kids involved in the environment. Some are cool sites to help parents become more environmental with information and must-have products. Check 'em out.

Zipcar lets you drive to the greener side of the street

If you watch An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's environmental exposГѓВ©, it is quite likely that you followed the exact pattern of behavior we did immediately after watching the film. For, in the final credits, there is a URL for a website which allows you to measure your personal household carbon footprint. If you do that you can not only see how much carbon you are adding to the earth every year, but what are the biggest behaviors which create the most carbon in your life. I was surprised to see that eating beef is a big one. I never really though about the environmental impact of eating beef. But the one that really got me thinking was our car. We had an old hand-me-down Volvo station wagon which was quite handy for toting stuff around town and the occasional trip to grandma's. By the next morning after watching An Inconvenient Truth our car was listed on Craigslist. We're not usually that reactionary or decisive, but this was an easy decision because we knew we had a great alternative to owning a car in NYC. Zipcar is this really cool service that lets you share cars with other drivers. You can basically rent one of several models by the hour. I'll tell you why I like it better than owning a car:

Be on TV and/or enter The Great Green Giveaway

Hot off the press! I just got this email from Kate over at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. They are looking for lots of parents and kids to come out tomorrow, Thursday October 25th to be on Good Morning New York to promote their Ghouls and Ghords Halloween event. It sounds like a lot of fun. Giant puppets, Audra Rox and everyone who shows up gets free tickets to return to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden another time. It's never too early to start your child''s television career! Here's the info and then check out our Great Green Giveaway below. Just leave a comment on this post and you'll be automatically entered.

Where to find safe, Green toys in 2007-Chinese Year of the Recall

Safer Toy Guide 2007

A couple weeks ago The New York Times followed NYC parent blog demigods, Liz Gumbinner and Greg Allen, on toy shopping expeditions and interviewed them about the whole China-toy-recall-apalooza.

In the article, Greg Allen who writes says,

“I think people are kind of stunned because they don’t know what to do. You can’t just cut out every made-in-China toy. It’s just not realistic.�?

Liz Gumbinner, on the other hand, was not one of those stunned parents who didn't know what to do. She knew exactly what to do. Liz writes on a blog called Cool Mom Picks where a couple of savvy, stylin' moms post every day about the best stuff out there for babies and parents.

Green Parenting Week: Environmental Living with Kids in NYC

Environmentalism has become so mainstream that Alanis Morissette is going to have to make a comeback just so she can add a new verse to her hit song Ironic. "It's like using environmentalism to get people to buy more crap...oh who would have thought it figgered..."

I was born with a biodegradable soy-based spoon in my mouth, so I've been living green in New York for many decades. (Actually, we all live green here since living in an urban environment makes much less impact on the planet than most suburban and rural living.)

This week I'll be sharing some of the ways I've found to make NYC life with kids even greener without having to suffer. I've already written about my water bottle solution. I've been loving our aluminum water bottles. Today I'd like to mention a tradition that my friends and I have taken to: the swap.
