News: Free Broadway Tix for Kids, Kids' Performing Opportunities in Circus, Ballet & Theater, Micro Museum Closing, New Build-A-Bear in Times Square

Got creative kids? Young dancers, actors, writers and even circus performers are all needed for a variety of upcoming performing opportunities. Plus, Build-A-Bear opens a new location in Times Square, Kids' Night on Broadway tickets go on sale soon, one of our favorite under-the-radar Brooklyn museums sets a closing date and other news of interests to NYC families.

Leftover Halloween Candy? Ways to Use It (Or Lose It) on Long Island

Trick or treating has come to an end and your kids have sorted out their favorite pieces of candy to keep. Now you're  left with a pile of goodies that you'd rather not have in the house. Luckily, there is plenty that you can do to rid yourself of the treats before you find yourself rummaging through them at midnight. And for more Halloween-themed ideas, be sure to check out our Long Island Halloween Guide

This week's Picks: Halloween! It’s not too late to Celebrate October 27 – 31

Halloween is Friday. Are the costumes assembled? Have the pumpkins been carved? Are you heading back to the grocery store for more candy to pass out because you bought yours too early and somebody (okay, I admit it, “Guilty!) ate up half of the candy corn?

The Halloween offerings this month have been amazing. Some are scary; some are cute; many have incredible production values because this is, after all, a movie company town. You’ve probably made all sorts of plans to hit this or that event or even a graveyard, but Halloween is Friday and you haven’t even made it to the pumpkin patch.

Never fear, many of the ongoing activities surrounding All Hallows Eve continue this week. Start with Tim Burton, end with Danny Elfman, and be sure to get a pumpkin already.

What to do With Your Leftover Halloween Candy in Fairfield County (CT)

Call it the November 1st dilemma: Halloween was great, your kids looked adorable in their costumes and went to all that trouble to trick-or-treat, but now you're stuck with 10 pounds of candy. Your instincts tell you to get the stuff out of the house as quickly as possible, since keeping more than a few pieces on hand isn't ideal from a health standpoint, not to mention your future dental bills. Also, if you're anything like me, it's hard to resist the siren call of the Mini Twix. I'm here to tell you that you can actually do some good with all of that candy, right here in Fairfield County!  So don't just toss it out, instead you should check out these great ideas for what to do with all those sweets.
