Fun & Free Things to Do with LA Kids this Weekend: National Dance Day, Dragon Boats and Malibu Arts, July 26 - 27
Submitted by Toby B on
Whatever you do this weekend, DON'T GET OUT OF TOWN! There’s another one of those Carmeggedon, Carpocalyse things happening, and they’re calling it … the Century Crunch. I know, I know, it doesn’t have much gloom and doom sound to it, but it’s right at the airport. They’re knocking down a bridge, road improvements yadda yadda traffic nightmare. And probably zombies. Just stay home, play in your backyard, or if you have to, venture downtown. (They have toys.)
Think you're safe if you're heading to San Diego for Comic Con? Ha! You and half a billion other people! Do they even have enough oxygen for all those people? No, you'd better stay right here in the beautiful City of Angels. And what a weekend it will be! We have National Dance Day, the circus, and the OC Fair, Dragon Boats and Malibu Arts and Summer Fest at Venice Beach. Kids can build sand castles, run like heroes, cheer for cowfolk, boo the bullies and sing with Cinderella. Best weekend ever!
Or you could always go to New York.
Keep reading for our conveniently located in LA picks for this weekend ....