Weekend Fun with LA Kids: YALLWest, Puppet Fest & Butterfly Pavilion, Apr 11-12

You know we can't fit all the events going on this weekend in one post, right? I mean, we could, but it would just be too long, and you'd have to keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. It would be like reading through my kid's birthday list (seriously, how much can one kid want?), and by the time you got to the end, the weekend would be over.

So instead, we choose highlights—not hard to find on a weekend like this. Hello, Marina del Rey turning 50 (prime of your life, MdR, you never looked better); butterflies are in season at the Natural History Museum (shout out to my pupae); and the biggest thing to happen in the YA world since that whole Jacob/ Edward thing. Obviously, all of those need a mention.

There's also a major Powwow, a puppet festival you have to see to believe, art on the streets of Burbank... but not every activity is larger than life. You can fly a kite, learn about siblings, hear some really great music (in some really cool places), and moms, don't forget to look after yourselves.

But that's just the beginning. There are awesome art projects, a family 5k, a complimentary car seat checkup, and a by-teens-for-teens night out. Not all of it can make it into our highlights post. It just can't. But don't worry, that's what our Event Calendar is for.

Keep reading for way too many things to do this weekend..

Best Things To Do with LA Kids This Weekend: Bubbles, Getty, & Bookfest, Mar 28 - 29

Okay, I finally figured it out. All these "bunny" events, cryptic references to "eggs" —what can all that be about? It's way too early in the year for any seasonal relevance; we're still a week away from April.

But then it hit me: we're a week away from April.

So, ha ha, very funny, April Fools' pranksters. You almost had me believing it's Easter next week. Getting all the malls, parks, and railways in on it, too, was very clever. Then you threw me off the scent with just enough rabbit-free events to make me think twice; oh, I bet you're feeling smart. Books aren't bunnies (true). Bubbles aren't bunnies (for sure). Jelly beans aren't bunnies... but they are the bunnies' favorite treat! You wascally wabbit!

Well, trick or not, let's get out there and enjoy this weekend; let's play and dance, and look at the stars. You can't fool me with a good time!

Keep reading for our favorite  picks for this weekend... no foolin'!

Best Things To Do with LA Kids This Weekend: CicLAvia Valley, Steampunk & Swallows Mar 21-22

Spring, sprang, sprung! Spring is here, though honestly it seems like it never left (and frankly we've been feeling more like the dead of summer this past week anyway). Those reliable harbingers of the season, the Capistrano swallows, come flying in, the grunion are wriggling their way up SoCal beaches, and the cherries are blossoming.

It's time for a little spring cleaning (Bonus: cleaning out your closet means you have room for new stuff!). It's time to get out and explore your neighborhood. (Who are the people in your neighborhood, anyway?)

And just to alert you, Easter is on the early side this year: April 5 to be exact. Which means you'll barely have finished cleaning up the leprechaun foot prints before it's time to make discover bunny tracks throughout your house. Better get hoppin'!

Keep reading for our most springy picks for this weekend...

Best Things To Do with LA Kids This Weekend: Dead Sea Scrolls & St. Paddy Mar 14-15

Is it just me, or does being a parent sometimes feel like running a marathon? It’s just go, go, go, first to your kid’s favorite movie, then to a birthday party, introducing them to art and music and really big plants, helping them learn about robotics, and history, and science.

The hope, of course, is that there’s a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, that all our efforts will be recognized, and that in 75, 100… heck, in 2000 years, they’ll still be saying “Well done. What you did with that kid was worthwhile.”

Or not. Not every kid is an Einstein. But with a little instruction, they can all learn to make pancakes. 

Keep reading for our most noteworthy picks for this weekend...

Best Things To Do This Weekend with LA Kids: Whales, Purim, and Zimmerpalooza Mar 7 - 8

You’re getting too much sleep. Yes, definitely too much sleep. Howsabout we take away some, like an hour? I suggest you do that at 2am, in the wee hours on Sunday, (changing the clocks in the middle of the night has the added bonus of depriving you of even more sleep). It’s also Daylight Savings Time, so changing your clocks slightly increases your chances of showing up on time for Sunday events.   

April showers may bring May flowers, but it is pouring Purim this March weekend. We've got festivals from Santa Monica to Tarzana, from Northridge to Beverly Hills. (Costumes optional).

Passing on Purim? No worries: as usual we are spoiled for choice when it comes to celebrating. Other topics of revelry this weekend include women, dogs, whales, bubbles, LEGO Star Wars, lanterns, kites, kids and…I’m not sure if it’s Zimmers or Paloozas, but Zimmerpalooza is celebrating something, too.

Keep reading for our most celebratory picks for this weekend...

Best Things To Do This Weekend with LA Kids: Bikes, Seuss, and Purim February 28 - March 1

Forget about the lion: March is coming in like a firecracker. There's some serious Seussing this weekend, and heaping platters of hamantaschen ahead. (Wash them down with half price drinks)

The bicycle is getting a lot of love this weekend, as are the camellia, vegans, Gene Autry, and old-fashioned toys. There are holidays you know, some you never heard of, and some you may suspect are made up. There is science, and there is cake. Life here, as always, is good.

Now go catch the last hurrah of February (it's full of stars!) and full steam ahead for another great month, (hint: there's going to be a lot of green coming your way!)

Keep reading for some roaring good picks for this weekend...

Best Things To Do This Weekend with LA Kids: Engineers, Boats, & Lunar New Year, February 21-22

For a short month, February sure manages to pack it in. No one trick pony, February's celebrations run the gamut. Case in point: this weekend we honor Black History Month, celebrate Lunar New Year all around town, sing the praises of engineers, and even give a nod to the boating life.

I suppose a short month is a good thing, if you're snowed in or stuck in an ice hut. None of which is true here; hello beach, how about some park time, see ya in the gardens. We savor our days here, exploring our neighborhoods and all they have to offer.  Be sure to check out our latest guide for Los Feliz (notice how that translates to "the happy"?).

So pardon us while we dance, groove, and party through every last bit of February. If we can make 28 days this fun, imagine what we can do with 31! 

Keep reading for some of our most jam-packed picks for this weekend...

Best Things To Do This Weekend with LA Kids: SpongeBob, Children's Grammy, & Chocolate Feb 7 - 8

Okay, Mamas, this is the weekend you've got to get your kids started. If they're going to give you an awesome Valentine's (that is how it's supposed to go, right?), they'd better get a move on. Luckily, there are plenty of heart-warming workshops to get creative juices flowing.

Of course, you may need to remind them of just what a wonderful mama you are. You know, the kind that takes them to see The Spongebob Movie on opening weekend. (Not their cup of tea? There's also Tinker Bell, and Big Hero 6, and even The Phantom Tollbooth...) You can send them on a train ride to the Mesozoic, or to a Monster Jam mashup, or to a birthday party for a lion. And you can give your kid the greatest gift of all: license to talk about the gas giant Uranus without getting in trouble.

Keep reading for some of our most loving picks for this weekend...
