Santa Letter 2.0: How Technology is Bringing Santa to Life for Kids


Santa and technology are not two things that immediately seem to go together. Santa has been the ultimate luddite; 1500 years old and he never even upgraded to a motorized vehicle, for pete's sake. But this year Santa is getting his geek on with some fun hi-tech tools and social media solutions that bring the jolly old elf to life for kids.

Check out how technology has upgraded Santa Claus this year:

Free Play December 12-13, 2008: Free Indoor Play, Sinterklass and Festival of Lights

200812120009.jpgSome of my favorite holiday events are this weekend: All those wacky events in our Off-Beat and Multicultural Holiday Events post are all this weekend. So if you missed that check it out here. And if you haven't taken a look at our round-up of the best Nutcracker performances for kids, find that post here.

Below we've picked out just the cream of the crop of other cool events for this weekend, where we think you'll find something new and interesting for the whole family.

Great Gift Idea: A Night at the Museum Sleepover

200812092319.jpgThis site is dedicated to helping parents find all the amazing, cool, once-in-a-lifetime events that you don't have to spend a fortune to take advantage of, but there are some events that are worth the splurge. A Night at the Museum Sleepover is one of them and would make a terrific Holiday Gift.

The American Museum of Natural History invites families to spend a night exploring the museum after everyone else has gone home and camp out in one of the exhibit halls. My daughter was lucky enough to be invited to do this with a friend who received the sleepover as a gift. What an amazing present! And they had such a great time.

Spectacular Holiday Giveaway Winners


Wow! This was a really fun and super popular giveaway event. We gave away over $2000 worth of prizes, my inbox is completely jammed with all of your entries and I've gotten lots of nice comments from your friends, who are happy to have learned about the site, so thank you for sharing it with them. And, welcome to our new readers.  

But here's what you really want to know... Who won!
