Summer Is Coming and So Is Our Hamptons and North Fork Summer Fun Guide

Though the weather hasn’t exactly been cooperating, it’s finally Memorial Day weekend and the beginning of warm-weather fun. That’s when things really gear up for us at Mommy Poppins, and we love sharing all the festivals, beach days, day trips, outdoor events, water fun and good times with you. You’ll soon see our Summer Guides filled with loads of ideas to keep you and your brood busy all season long.

The first marker of our summer content is the launch of our second annual Hamptons and North Fork Guide. We’ll be updating it weekly with the best things to do on the East End of Long Island. If you aren’t subscribed to the Hamptons and North Fork newsletter, you can sign up here to get weekly updates, weekend picks and activity suggestions sent straight to your inbox.

Learn About Bing in the Classroom and Bing Rewards to Win Surface Tablets for Your School

Online ads have never bothered me personally. I can either just ignore them or, in some cases, they can actually be relevant. But as my kids get older and they are starting to use the internet independently, I find I have to think more carefully about many things I take for granted. Online ads are one of those things.

It was my daughter, actually, who alerted me to the fact that it's sometimes the ads online that can lead to inappropriate content. And now that kids use computers at school as well, even if you supervise your children at home, you have no control over them while they are at school. Because a teacher can't realistically look over the shoulder of every kid all the time, Bing in the Classroom offers ad-free safe search to make sure children are using technology safely at school.

In addition, by using Bing for search, parents and school communities can earn rewards for their school, including Surface tablets. Find out more about this program and how you can earn rewards for your school.

WeeWork Recipe: 5 Minute Lemon Curd

Lemon Curd. I distinctly remember the first time I tried it. I thought lemon curd was the best thing I'd ever tasted. I think I ate the whole jar in one sitting. To this day, I think of lemon curd as a delicious treat for special occasions. This recipe is so fast and easy you can whip up a small batch for a breakfast treat with toast or pastry.

Visiting the 9/11 Memorial with Kids: Should You Do It and What You Need to Know

Whether you believe it's important to discuss the events of September 11, 2001 with your children or wish you could shield them all together, kids learn about 9/11 at school, from the media and their peers. So the question is, what can we as parents do to help our children process and learn from the events of 9/11?

For children born around or after 2001, 9/11 probably seems like something abstract—a tragedy that happened in history. Visiting the 9/11 Memorial can, perhaps, help make it feel more real. So, what's it like to visit the 9/11 Memorial with children? What's the security like, and how do you get tickets? I took my nine-year-old this weekend and I'll share our experiences.

I'm Sharing My Secret Formula for Perfect Family Travel Planning at NY TravFest

This weekend I'll be speaking at NY TravFest. On Saturday I'm sharing my secret formula for planning the perfect family vacation and on Sunday I'll be part of a panel discussing how to balance travel with kids, careers and stability. There are tons of amazing speakers at this event and opportunities. Check it out. I'd love to see you there.

As part of the festival I've created a Travel Babel video sharing some of my personal travel inspiration and some of my own childhood travel experiences that changed my life. I think traveling with kids is so important and taking longer vacations where you can really become immersed in local culture is a gift that never gets old. Take a look:

No-Mess Easter Egg Decorating: Sharpie Easter Egg Designs

Yes, I love decorating Easter eggs and some of my favorite memories are of decorating eggs with my kids, but there have definitely been some years when I hedged a bit wondering if I really had to do the whole dying thing and deal with stained hands and whatever else the dye got onto. Then there were my son's sensory issues which meant he didn't like getting his fingers wet. Some years I tried to short-cut by having them draw with crayons on the eggs, but the crayon colors don't take well to the egg, so they just looked a mess. I wish I'd thought of this method. No mess, no wet, stained fingers...and a teenager will enjoy making these eggs as much as a toddler.

Our New Camp Guide & Business Listings with Improved Search & Features

Last fall, we asked our readers to take a short survey and share their thoughts about how to improve our Summer Camp Guide. Overwhelmingly, we heard that you wanted a combination of our editorial recommendations, plus the ability to search listings and find recommendations from other parents.

So we're happy to debut our newly updated Camp Guide and our Camp Directory, now featuring an improved search, parent reviews and star ratings, and other enhancements. Even better: Our overhauled Directory isn't just for camps. We have listings for party places and services, enriching classes, indoor play spaces and special needs services, too.

Read on to find out more or head straight to our Day Camp Guide, Sleepaway Camp Guide and Directory to browse the listings and leave reviews for your favorite programs.

DIY Mini-Fig Winter Olympics Activity

Last week we posted ideas for hosting a kids' Winter Olympics party at home that showed how to use plastic toy figurines to play your own Olympic Games. The post inspired me to think of some more ways to create Olympic play, especially using Lego mini-figs to actually recreate the Olympic sports competitions. We had so much fun with this: first building our Olympic arenas and athletes out of Lego, then competing in our own Olympic games. If you don't have Legos you can do this with other types of toys. Read on to find out how we did it and then add your own ideas.
