Wednesday Links: Veggie Love, God Questions, Me Time and the Old Work-Life Balance with a Cool Band Alert to Boot

In the effort of full disclosure, we have more computers in our apartment than we have living beings. That count includes Bubbles, our fish. Like most moms and dads these days, we get the latest news online (the TV is usually turned to a reality show or Team Umizoomi). Checking the headlines often turns to surfing the latest sales at or, more than likely, reading parenting sites and parenting blogs. I’ve gathered a few gems for you. Halloween may be over, people, but feel free to bust out those leftover candies while perusing these goodies from around the web.

Halloween Portraits From Stomping Ground Photography and More Party Pics

The portraits Stomping Ground Photography took at our Halloween party are now posted on their website and they are awesome. They really captured the spirit of all the kids in their Halloween costumes. Check out the slideshow they put together with some of the highlights, plus some more photos we took of the party.

If your child had their portrait taken, we also have info on how to order your prints below:


Halloween Round Up: What to do with Leftover Halloween Candy, Our Halloween Slideshow and the Rally for Sanity

Halloween's Over, although the sugar buzz may still be lingering. I hope you had a really fun day (or several days, more likely). We went trick or treating and snapped some pictures of kids around the neighborhood with really creative costumes. I also have some tips on how your kids can sell their Halloween candy or donate it to a good cause. Lastly, I wanted to share some poignant images from another silly event this weekend, Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity.

Go Out on a Limb at the Brooklyn Children's Museum

My 2 ½ year old son was addicted to acorns last year. Luckily, he only wanted to gather them. He preferred ones with “tops on them” and loved trips to the park to beef up his collection. This year, he’s more into sticks, leaves and tree stumps. I knew the exhibit Out on A Limb: Adventures in Nature and Art at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum would be right up his alley (and a great way to spend a rainy day!).

From what I’d read about Out on a Limb, I expected a bunch of tree-like structures that kids could climb with actual houses to play in. Once we entered the exhibit, I realized I hadn’t used my imagination enough. Tree-houses were clearly the inspiration, but Out on a Limb takes their meaning to a new, more whimsical level.

Halloween 2010 Edition: Things to do in NYC for Kids & Families October 30-31: Festivals, Trick or Treats, Parties and Parades

I love Halloween.  I just want to get on with the candy eating, costume wearing and parade marching fun, so, I am going to waste no time with this intro, except to tell you to read this post for some tried and true Halloween events in NYC that we are sure your family will love and also that our events calendar and The Mommy Poppins Halloween Guide are both literally stuffed with tons of awesome Halloween events like parties, trick or treating, parades, haunted houses, live music, storytelling and everything else you need to get your ghoul on this Halloween.  Make sure whatever you decide to do, that you arrive early and plan for crowds.  Young or old, everyone in New York City loves Halloween!  

Best Wishes for a Happy and Haunted Halloween

NJ Weekend Events October 30-31: Things to Do on Halloween plus Sugarloaf Crafts Festival and Day of the Dead!

What could be more fun than making Bread of the Dead? Not much, right? In New Jersey this weekend you can celebrate some fine American ghouls and goblins, or join in a Latino Heritage Festival and celebrate Day of the Dead with sugar skulls, Mexican hot chocolate and Pan de Muertos. Or you can party in a non-Halloween fashion and go to the huge Sugarloaf Crafts Festival. Whatever you choose, have a fun, only mildly scary weekend! (And check our Halloween Guide for more Halloween thrills.)

Virtual Halloween Party: Enter to win a Spooky Gift Basket from Scholastic Store

We had our Halloween Party yesterday and it was a ton of fun. Hot, crowded, but lots of fun. I could not have asked for better partners. I was so pleased with the excellent quality of everything from everyone who participated, including all our little guests who came in fabulous costumes.

The only thing I wish had been different is that we could have had more people come. As it was, the space was pretty tight. In order to share the fun with everyone, whether you could make it or not, we're doing a Virtual Halloween Party on facebook where you can enter to win one of two fabulous spooky gift baskets from Scholastic.

Find out how to enter to enter and see some of the party pictures below.

5 Brooklyn Spots for Seasonal Sweets (and Places to Play Nearby!)

The sticky days of summer are over and brisk fall days are here. What better time to treat you and your little ones to apple pie, pumpkin tarts and other seasonal sweets? Below are five Brooklyn bakeries that serve cozy, cold-weather treats, and have fun places to play just a few blocks away.



