NJ Indoor Playspaces: Beyond the Ball Pit--Bring on Theaters, Laser Tag, Puppet Shows and Go-Karting!

When the winter cold sets in, not only do the kids bounce off the walls, they also manage to turn the house upside-down. Better plan: Let them get the wiggles out somewhere else. Indoor playspaces were created by some very wise adults, let us tell you. Our favorite kid-tested spots will keep the small ones entertained for hours, and you with a clean house (plus some sanity).


Favorite Mom Blogs That Inspired Me 2010

I am halfway through this week of "Best Of 2010" lists and and I'm starting to think I might not be cut out for this type of thing. It's hard to pick some blogs knowing you are leaving so many others out. To make matters worse, my innocent little list of the Best Local NYC Blogs got linked from the NY Times, so now my choices are forever part of the blog of record.

So before I jump into my list of my favorite Mom Blogs, I'd like to make a little speech about how I am choosing. (clear throat, tap fork on glass). The blogs I am including are blogs that inspire me, each in their own way. They are also the blogs that I happened to have thought of during the few hour window that I wrote this post. Tomorrow different things will be on my mind and I will find new sources of inspiration (and remember old ones that I didn't think of when I was writing this and apologize in my head to people I left off the list). But I hope that this post will be a source for you to find some new inspiration too, with some great blogs that maybe you didn't know about yesterday.

10 Favorite Mom Blogs that Inspired Me in 2010:

Top Ten Fabulous Food Blogs for 2011

During the post holiday winter months meal prep can be a real drag. The New Year has me searching for something different to do with all those root vegetables, and desperate for a way to make winter salads palatable. And with my resolution energy I'm looking for better ideas for my kid's school lunches. There are tons of great food blogs that provide exotic ideas and great desserts, but I need something inspired and also practical for my family. Luckily, there's help out there. Here are some of our top picks for desperate parents and their hungry, sometimes picky, children.

Top Ten Local New York City Blogs of 2010

The new year is a time of reflecting. Looking back on 2010 there are so many great discoveries we made that we'd like to share. This week, in addition to our regular posts, we'll be sharing some of our favorite websites and other stuff that we've enjoyed this year, starting with some of the great websites about living in New York City. These sites are great resources that often inspire me (when I have time to read them). You may want to book mark this post to check back with these cool blogs often.

Friday Round-Up: Top Apps for Kids, Where to Donate, Remembering A Mother, Booky Things, and Parent Vocab

It's New Year's and time for reflecting on all things as we put the blur of the Holiday's behind us and move on to a fresh start. I have Lady Gaga’s “Christmas Tree” song stuck in my head, I’m suffering from three wrapping paper-cuts and don’t get me started on the constant search for new spots to place our Elf on the Shelf. Why am I so behind on my To Do list? You know it – I’ve been surfing around, discovering some interesting tidbits to pass along to you. Kick back with some left over egg nog, turn on anything but holiday tunes, and enjoy these finds.

6 New Year's Resolutions You Can Do with Your Kids in NYC in 2011

Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions yet? What’s on your list? Eating healthier? Getting to the gym three times a week? Paring down the reality TV shows you watch from nine, to say, three? All of these are great goals, but what about adding a few you can do as a family? The start of a new year is a perfect way to start a good family “habit.” We’ve listed a few for you to kick off in January.

Big Ticket Giveaway: Win a $100 Best Buy Gift Card

Do you like to connect to the internet from wherever you are? Browse Facebook while waiting for the kids at Karate? Watch streaming video between meetings? New WiMAX-enabled laptops mean you can connect wherever you are at 4G speeds. To celebrate, Intel asked us to give away a $100 Best Buy gift cards and let you know how you can get another one too.
