It’s hee..eere. The orange and black color schemes. The sudden emergence of pumpkin as the number one vegetable. The punny and playful neologisms like spooktacular and fright-tastic. We have begun the month-long observance of the most child-centric of holidays: Halloween. No worries if you're not ready to hit the ground screaming on this one: our Halloween Guide can point you to all the best shrieks and giggles around Los Angeles.
It would really take something out of this world to overshadow All Hallow's this weekend. Out of this world? Ha! Try been there and back! It brought our entire city to a halt a few weeks back as we tilted our heads skyward to catch its final glorious flight. Now it pulls a Carmageddon, closing some roads, but instead of grumbling, we want to line up to see it pass. The Space Shuttle Endeavour is traversing our surface streets en route to its new home at the California Science Center, and we've got the lowdown.
Oh, and there's a few other things going on too, involving the circus, antique tractors, The Next BIG Thing, Indiana Jones, free pumpkins, and more more more!
Keep reading for our favorite picks for this weekend!