Linkin Blogs: Over Parenting? Over Private School? Over CNN?

It seemed like it would never end but the frenzied election and even the high of victory seems to be winding down.  Hopefully, hope and optimism will remain a bit longer and judging by the number of people who are trying to get tickets to the inauguration this year it appears to still be in tact.  I admit that I am glad to rescue my television from CNN and return it to less important things like the new season of Top Chef, though if you are suffering from detox, keep reading for some advice.  As for the news, posts this week ponder over parenting and the new forms it takes (editing your college kids essays via email), some resolution to the confusing process of getting into public kindergarten, private school's economic woes, the 12 germiest places you encounter in daily life and more.

Jodi, Go See Cirque Mechanics

200811151833.jpgThis past summer, I was talking about blogging with my friend and incredible writer, Liz. Liz writes a very funny blog about motherhood, called MOM-101. I don't really remember what we were talking about, but Liz said, "You know how when you're writing your posts you have someone in your head that you are writing to?" and I kind of nodded along because I didn't want to admit that I was not privy to this, obviously, important secret to great writing.

In fact, I don't usually have anyone in mind when I write a post and often I feel like I'm talking to myself, unless one of you nice people happens to email me and tell me I made a mistake in the post. (Thanks!)

But this post I wrote to Jodi. Why? Because on Friday I went to see Cirque Mechanics Birdhouse Factory, the new show at the New Victory Theater. And, feasting my eyes on the opening routine where a dozen performers danced and did acrobatics in sync across the stage amidst working gears and cogs, I couldn't help but think,

Free Play November 14-16: Having Fun While Doing Good

200811140851.jpgNOTE FROM ADMIN: I discovered an error in our events calendar that was causing the server to add two hours to the start and end time of each event. I am really upset about it and worried that people may have gone to an event at the wrong time. MY most sincere apologies if it did. I have taken the calendar down temporarily while it is being fixed.

On a more positive note, dont forget to enter our Blurb giveaway by 5pm today. Winners will be reported tomorrow.

What's up with the raining every Saturday thing? Isn't this going to be the third rainy Saturday in a row? Luckily, there's plenty of fun and free activities going on inside this weekend to keep you busy. This weekend has a bunch of interesting events that are easy and enjoyable ways to teach your kids about helping others. The rest of the events are all about helping you...helping you have a super fun weekend without spending a ton of cash.

Click on the blue links to get the full event information.

Charity for Children
It's never too early to teach our kids the importance of helping others and the Holidays are a great time to do it. This weekend there are a bunch of activities that make doing good fun.

See the Space Shuttle Pass Over New York

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On Friday evening, people all over the East Coast will be able to see the Space Shuttle Endeavor launched into orbit on it's way to rendezvous and dock with the international space station. If you want to see it look low along the southern horizon around 8pm, Friday, November 14th, 2008.

Kids Night on Broadway is Now Monthly

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One of the best deals for kids in New York City just went from a rare occurrence to a regular monthly event. Kids' Night on Broadway lets you get free tickets to some of Broadway's biggest shows for any child aged 6-18 accompanied by a full-price adult . Starting in February, Kid's Night will happen every month on the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month.

On Kids' Night, parents can also take advantage of other deals, like area restaurants where kids eat free, pre-theater parties, discounted parking and more.

Mommy of the Month: Snipping Away at Child Slavery


One of the things that continually strikes us at Mommy Poppins is how many people DO find time to give back to the wider community. In the Bronx we found one such business owner who, inspired by news and television reports that unveiled the horrors of childhood slavery practices in Ghana, took action. Interestingly, her business outwardly had nothing to do with global issues --she owns a local children's hair salon-- but she feels a commitment to all children and acts on her understanding that we are all connected. We hope you enjoy our Community Spotlight interview with mother, enterpriser and activist Suzanne Axelbank, and are inspired by her true global community service project!

Visiting the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in NYC with Kids

Check out our updated post about the Intrepid, published in 2013. The Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum reopened in 2008 after a five-year renovation. As a lifelong New Yorker, I hate to admit that I had never been to the Intrepid before. Roaming around a big ship and looking at airplanes had never appealed to me. But since they took the trouble to redo it, and I now have a five-year-old son, I figured it was worth going to check it out and I'm glad we did.

The people at the Intrepid Museum obviously took families into consideration in their planning because they've created a whole new kid-friendly section called the Exploreum. In the Exploreum, kids play their way through exhibits that teach them about the inner workings of the ship and life on the vessel, plus the Intrepid's role in the Space program.
