As the leftovers wind down, I once again find myself wondering why we have to wait another year for stuffing, turkey and cranberry sauce. I mean, why can't we eat this delicious combo of food more often? I know, I know, it's just the way it is, but even if the food is purely annual, there are some other things about Thanksgiving worth keeping.
Though I never grew up with the tradition of holding hands before a meal and taking a moment to say thanks (and probably would have thought it was totally lame as a teenager), my two year old has latched onto it and I've got to admit that I'm lovin' it. Sometimes she says "thanks for the dark" or "thanks for animals" and each time it reminds me of how amazing it is to be a parent; which in turn brings up another thanksgiving tradition worth keeping, being thankful.
But enough of the sappy holiday stuff, posts this week include more sappy holiday stuff, like interfaith couples figuring out what to do about the tree, new news on peanut allergies, all you ever wanted to know about gestational surogacy and more.