Linkin B'logs - More Gifted & Talented Schools, Talking about Miscarriage, Palin's Next Crazy Baby Name and More

Has the recession come up in conversation with your kids yet or are you too busy talking politics with them these days?  Links this week include tips on how to broach the subject without freaking them out, good news about more gifted & talented public schools to open in the boroughs (cause not all smart kids live in Manhattan) and lots on baby naming including the city's report on the top baby names for 2007.  Plus, the crusader of crazy baby names, Sarah Palin, has one more wacky one up here sleeve...

Best Halloween Fun Tips and Links on the Web

Sheetal_2008_costume.JPGIt sure is a world wide web out there. So much good stuff. We've rounded up our best finds for fun and helpful tips for parents from all over the internets. Below find, decorating and costume ideas, how to make your halloween greener, your jack o'lantern spookier, and tons of other tips.

Free Fun Friday: Rain Dates and Indoor Halloween Weekend Events

halloween.jpgI know that the Washington Market Park Halloween Parade and Party has been postponed from Saturday and will now be on Sunday, October 26 from 3-5pm. Also The Fort Greene Park Halloween Festival and the Halloween Festival at Fort Trotten Park (both of which sound like lots of fun) will both be postponed to Sunday. Please try to call ahead to any events you might be going to on Saturday and make sure it wasn't canceled or postponed.

But don't let the rain dampen your Halloween Weekend spirit. Here are our picks for indoor activities for Saturday, October 25th, 2008. Click on the links below for more information about each event.

Make Your Own iPhone: Cause Your Kid Needs One Too!


I admit it, I got to a point where I actually felt like I needed an iphone. The rationale went like this: with an iphone I could stay in e-mail touch even when I was at the playground or waiting at school or during those times when my daughter falls asleep in the stroller. It would make me more productive and also a better mom cause if I could work at those times then maybe I wouldn't have to work when we were home and instead just focus on playing. So when our cell phone contracts were up we rushed over to the Mac store. Of course, my husband had also worked out a completely different but just as "valid" rationale as to why he needed one as well.

But while we were at the store, I realized I had a problem. My previous cell phone was such a piece of junk that I had gotten into the habit of letting my 2 year old play with it but I knew there was no way I was going to let her touch my new iphone. I needed one for her.

5 Spooky and Magical Halloween Events

This city loves Halloween and there are an endless number of events. There is a lot of cool-sounding stuff to do for Halloween with kids in every corner of the city from now until the 31st. Little neighborhood events can be the best ones, so definitely keep an eye out for what's going on in your hood (and let us know).

Here are a few, just five events that each take a different spin on celebrating the holiday and hopefully bring that Halloween magic that will give you and your family great Halloween memories.

Ghouls and Ghords
- Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
At Ghouls and Gourds kids learn about plants as they engage in freakishly fun activities. 

Top 10 iPhone Apps for Moms and Dads

MPsquared.gifIn my last MP2 post, I wrote about why every parent should have an iPhone. I talked about a lot of great features, but I didn't even really scratch the surface of all the apps that are available for the phone. Of course, there are more than 10 great apps for parents, but this round-up will get you started with some fun, useful and just silly iPhone apps, particularly for parents. (By the way, most of these work with the iPod Touch also)

Scribble (FREE) —Lets kids (or parents) draw with their finger right on the screen and then shake to erase, like an etch-a-sketch. Great for little kids.

Top 10 Tips for School Fundraising

Reader, Kate, emailed me recently asking about ideas for school fundraisers. I was more than happy to oblige since this is right up my alley. I served on our school PTA Executive Board for four years and our school was so successful at raising money that I had suggested looking for ways we could share that success with other schools. I guess this is my opportunity to do so.

Top 10 Tips for School Fundraising:
