Shopping for Schools in NYC

An article in the New York Times discusses the school choice process parents face for their children in NYC. In a city where education is such an important issue for families, parents and kids are stressing out over it earlier and earlier. The article questions whether educational choices give more options or whether "school shopping" just makes it harder for families.

Mommy Poppins was interviewed for the article and I will share excerpts of the interview with you. I hope it provides some useful information on the school process and the education choices for kids in NYC. Here's Mommy Poppins' experience:


("Mom." "MOM." [walk over, open door.] what. "Do x-rays give you skin cancer?" no "I thought they were bad for you." well kind of, the old kind, but let's not talk about it now, go to sleep. "How are they bad for you?" i don't know. "No really, tell me, how are they bad for you." no really, I don't know. "If you don't tell me I"ll just lie here imagining how they might be bad for you." and so on....)

Don't Tell Your Kids They're Smart

Telling kids that they are smart will make them dumb. That's the gist of New York Magazine's cover story, Praise is Dangerous. It's actually a pretty interesting topic for parents on several different levels.

1) There's the modern parenting culture of making our kids into "praise junkies" by just praising them constantly to try to inflate their self-esteem.

2) There's the issue that what parents are really trying to do when we do this is to stroke our own egos.
