Fun & Free Things to Do with LA Kids this Weekend: Cherry Blossoms, Teaching Zoo, and Swallows Day Parade, March 23 - 24

Ah, Spring has sprung in the City of Angels. This season always fills me with a sense of anticipation: for the flowers that will bloom, the longer days and sweeter weather, and the hours that will need to be filled while school is on break. Luckily, Mommy Poppins has you covered, whether you're looking for some awesome spring break camps, or for fun activities you can do as a family.

Why is next week different from all other weeks? Well, for one thing, Passover starts on Monday.  We've got some fun ideas for Passover activities including the latest exhibit at the Skirball, which allows visitors to (literally!) walk in the footsteps  of the historical characters in the Exodus tale.  On a journey that long you're gonna need snacks; our Passover Bakery guide will lead you to some of the tastiest unleavened treats in Los Angeles. (As a bonus, did you know that many Passover treats are gluten-free?)

But one hour this weekend is going to be the most different of all. Saturday at 8:30pm is Earth Hour, a world-wide event in which we are encouraged to turn off our lights to draw attention to climate change and our need to protect our planet.  Sounds like a good time to go outside and look at the stars! (Camping, anyone?)

Read on for our favorite picks for this weekend …

Fun & Free Things to Do with LA Kids this Weekend: Kites, Klezmer and Oz the Great, March 9 - 10

Good news, bad news folks. Good news: spring is in the air, and I know this because we are about to Spring Forward. Daylight savings time begins this Sunday, and that means sundown is later! Bad news, we lose an hour of sleep this weekend. But who has time to sleep when there’s so much to do? This weekend we can hang with whales, woofers, and a wizard, prepare for summer whether our plans are local or abroad, listen to music and make some of our own, learn how to live green and go fly a kite.

Another thing putting a spring in our step, (an Irish jig to be exact), is the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day. Though the holiday isn’t until next Sunday, you can get an early start at this weekend’s Irish Fair (or Tuesday’s hunt for the Leprechaun’s gold). Even the Easter Bunny is starting his rounds. And the surest sign that Spring is upon us: the looming specter of Spring Break. We've found some of the coolest camps to entertain your kids.

Read on for our favorite picks for this weekend …

Character Breakfasts at Disney's El Capitan: All That and a Side of Bacon

El Capitan is already our favorite place in LA to see a kids’ movie; but sometimes you want to go that extra mile. Or in this case, that extra meal. Character breakfasts at the Disney Soda Fountain & Studio Store turn a day at the movies into a full-fledged special event. Kids get to spend some one-on-one time with a beloved Disney princess (or pirate or monster) and take home a commemorative photo - plus the whole family gets to fill their tummies.

Fun & Free Things to Do with LA Kids this Weekend: Whales, Seuss and Odysseo

There is no greater star in the children’s literary world than Dr. Seuss (aka Theodor Geisel). His March 2 birthday is honored as National Read Across America Day, and his stories are being read all around town. So grab your well-worn copy of Cat in the Hat and get ready for a wild weekend. Oh the places you'll go... unless you need to take the 405, because they're doing that shut-down-the-freeway thing again (with a cute "keep two lanes open to create false hope" twist).

This is also a big weekend for whales (who are lucky because the 405 closure doesn't affect them). The gentle giants are feted in celebrations at Dana Point and Palos Verdes, and might even get a shout-out at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium's anniversary fest.

Also apparently unaffected by the 405 is February, because it done hightailed it outta here, which means it's time for our March Go List! One big recommendation this month is Cavalla: Odysseo (read our review of opening night)!

Read on for our favorite picks for this weekend …

Fun & Free Things to Do with LA Kids this Weekend: Lights, Camera, Purim! Feb 23- 24

It’s party time in LA this weekend. The Oscars only come once a year, and in this company town, we’re all celebrating! Folks are dressing in elaborate costumes, going on wild and wacky rides and indulging in a total carnival atmosphere. On the other hand, it’s Purim. So folks are dressing in elaborate costumes, going on wild and wacky rides and indulging in a total carnival atmosphere. (Paparazzi optional.)

You know what they say: it’s raining, it’s Purim. If this Purim (or any other day) is finds you seeking shelter from inclement elements, Mommy Poppins has you covered. Check out our roundup of free indoor rainy day activities, for hotspots sure to keep your kiddies entertained and raindrop-free.

Read on for our favorite picks for this weekend …

Strawberry Shortcake Live: Follow Your Berry Own Beat - Review

Strawberry Shortcake: Follow Your Berry Own Beat is a sweet, good-hearted show bursting with good will and friendship. Strawberry and her friends encourage kids with catchy songs and inspirational truisms.  Kids leave the theater knowing anything is possible if you follow your heart and are true to yourself. Even knowing all of this, it helps to have a few more details before bringing little ones to a large scale touring show. (That's why our Parents Reviews Guide covers so many touring shows.)

Fun & Free Activities with LA Kids this weekend: Camellias, Children's Grammy Nominees, and Valentines Prep Feb 9 - 10

Can you keep a secret? We at Mommy Poppins LA are harboring a crush on someone very special. Actually a whole lotta special someones: the moms, dads, and kids who visit our site. That’s a lot of Valentines to create. Luckily, we can take our own advice and snip, scribble, and paste together cards for you all! Artsy events at Vroman’s, reDiscover Center, and One Colorado also help craft special tokens from the heart. 

A card is all well and good, but sometimes a loved one wants a special night (or afternoon or morning) out. What could be more romantic than a stroll through the camellias (at your choice of gardens)? Perhaps a cultural journey to France?  Kids can share tea time with their favorite dolls, and maybe invite their dads along. Even wizards are feeling the love.

And lest you think we have nothing but hearts and roses on our minds, this weekend we also celebrate Chinese New Year (Year of the Snake) and Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday!). So what are you waiting for? Grab your honey(s) and celebrate!

Keep reading for our favorite picks for the weekend...

Fun & Free Activities with LA Kids this weekend: Strawberry Shortcake, Summer Opportunities & Animal Avatars: Feb 2 - 3

This weekend, it all comes down to a coin toss. Heads or tails to decide your fate. Nope, not talking about the Superbowl (who’s in it this year, the Dodgers or the Lakers?); I’m talking about the all-important decision of what to do this weekend. Heads: celebrate the Lunar New Year at the Pacific Asia Museum with taiko drums, Chinese acrobats, and visiting artists from China. Tails and you'll welcome Year of the Snake at the weekend fest in Downtown Monterey Park.

Heads: wish animated Peter Pan a fond farewell at the El Capitan before he flies off into the night sky. Tails: watch a Peter-Pan inspired ballet at Kidspace Museum.

Heads: plan your summer adventures at the Summer Opportunities Fair at the Westridge School in Pasadena. Tails: do the same thing, but at Marymount High School in West LA.

If you prefer to not leave your agenda to the vagaries of chance, you can check out our newest feature: Mommy Poppins' Go List, a one-stop shop for the absolute must-do events each month. Not to get all spoiler-y on you, but February promises prehistoric pets, celebrated cetaceans, and epic golden dragons!

Keep reading for our favorite picks for the weekend...
