News: Going Back to School Green, Obama Speaks, New Shake Shack, More

We're back to school and it's full of surprise and promise. Inside find eco-friendly back to school tips, how to get a cool monthly surprise in the mail for your kids, where the new shake shack will be, places to take family farm vacations, the 400 top New Yorkers of all time, and Obama's message to kids (if you missed it).

5 Fun Ways to Learn about New York History and Dutch Culture During NY400 Week

Four hundred years ago Henry Hudson and his Dutch ship, the Halve Maen ("Half Moon") arrived at what is now New York Harbor. This week, from September 8-13, NY400 celebrates the anniversary of Henry Hudson's historic voyage with a sea of events culminating in NY Harbor Day on Sunday, September 13th. NY400 Week gives New Yorkers a chance to immerse themselves in Dutch culture, New York history and lots of fun stuff long the way. Here are some highlights:

News: Swine Flu Vaccines, SIGG Bottle Swap, NY Hall of Science Closed, More

Happy Labor Day. Summer is officially over for New York City kids and that means back to school time. Check out some recipes and other useful information in our Back to School Guide.

It also means this is the last week of our summer-long Susie's Supper Club Dinner Party Giveaway. We've given away 9 dinner parties for 10 people and we have just one left to give away. In order to enter, just answer our short reader survey.

If Labor Day to you means preparing to apply to Preschools, maybe you've been checking out our Preschool Guide. We want to overhaul it and make i easier to use, so if you care to answer our ONE QUESTION survey we'd really love to get your input. Click Here to take survey.

Here's the rest of the news:

Naturally Nora Healthy Birthday Cake and Frosting Mixes

One of my favorite things is birthday cake, especially from a box and double especially covered in frosting. I'm not a fan of all the fancy buttercream frostings and fancy cakes. I like regular old moist and fluffy chocolate or vanilla birthday cake slathered in rich, sweet frosting. But knowing that your cake is filled with hydrogenated oils and trans fats really takes the fun out of it. Especially as a mom. How can we enjoy stuffing our faces with cake when we know how bad it is for us?

Thankfully, Nora Schultz, a New Jersey mom, has solved this problem with her Naturally Nora cake and frosting mixes, made from 100 percent natural ingredients. There are not even any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. (The confetti cake is colored with things like spinach extract and turmeric!). They are also dairy and soy free. But most importantly, for me, Naturally Nora mixes contain no trans fats or hydrogenated oils.

5 Labor Day Weekend Getaways from New York City via Bus or Train

If you want to get out of the city for Labor Day weekend but you don't have a car, don't fret. You don't have to feel left out of the weekend getaway crowd, just because you don't have a car and loads of cash. There are several fun places you can go for the day or weekend using public transportation. These inexpensive getaways are fun for the whole family. Just hop on the bus or train and you're on your way to a world of fun.

10 Great Things to Do With Kids in New York City This Weekend, August 28-30 (mostly free)

This is it, folks. The last weekend before Labor Day Weekend. And some of my favorite activities are going on: the Still Hip Bag Sale, Adventure NYC...from the brainy Metropolitan Opera outdoor HD screening to the jocky Arthur Ashe Kids Day...from a cool jazz festival to a really cool ice skating fairs, parties and more.

Note: Due to the possibility of another tropical storm heading our way this weekend, make sure to check the website or call to see if outdoor events are being canceled.

News: Free Ferry Rides, Annoying Husbands, Play Day, and BPA in SIGG bottles?

Children under 12 ride free with a paying adult on several NY Waterway ferries through Labor Day. For schedules, prices and additional information please call 1-800-533-3779 or visit

If Downtowners are sick of living in a perpetual construction zone, they are at least getting a little relief. The Downtown Alliance is commissioning artists to turn the ubiquitous scaffolding and street barriers into works of art.

KaBOOM! is dedicated to bringing play back into the lives of children. This Fall KaBOOM! is encouraging people to take to reclaim the streets and host a community play day. To help this happen, they are giving away free Play Day kits with everything you need to host a playday in your community. Register to get yours.

I can't believe that the Corn Refinery Association is running ads trying to convince people that High Fructose Corn Syrup is not bad for you. Really? Haven't we been down this road before?

At least some companies are taking the hint graciously. I went to an event for DelMonte Fruit Chillers this week (they're like frozen go-gurts, but made out of juice and fruit puree) and was pleasantly surprised to see just fruit and a little bit of food color in the ingredients list. It's heartening to see that the big guys are getting on the band wagon. No wonder the Corn Refinery Association is mad.

As people have been fervently tossing their plastic water bottles and switching to aluminum, it turns out that SIGG water bottles may have BPA in their liners after all. But don't panic. Reliable third party tests verify that the SIGG bottles do not leach BPA. Z Recommends takes an in-depth look.

Does your spouse annoy you? Probably not nearly as much as the chick who dedicated her blog to it. chronicles the annoying misdeeds of one lucky guy's every waking moment of this newlywed couple. It now even has readers writing in with their husband's annoying personalities. IF you need a little bedtime blog surfing I recommend this site. Nothing will gratefully send you off to crawl into bed with your so much less annoying souse than reading this blog. If nothing else just be glad your sig other hasn't created a blog to how annoying you are. [via Brooklyn Heights Blog]
