Kids love acting. Maybe that's why TADA! is such a popular program with NYC kids. During the school year they have great after school programs and in the summer they have day camps for NYC kids and teenagers. TADA! day camps let NYC kids take advantage of the talented professional theater artists of New York to learn straight from the pros the ins and outs of acting and theater in a fun summer camp setting.
Each summer day camp session is one week long and kids create and perform a different mini-musical every week. Children campers work with professional theater artists, learn songs from original TADA! musicals and Broadway shows, and invent the scenes between the songs themselves. The camp week ends with a performance by campers for friends and family. Each day camp session features a different theme such as “Slumber Party,� “Crime-Solving Kids,� “Grab Some Magic� “Spooky Stories,� “Destination Broadway� and “Sounds of the City.�