About Mommy Poppins

MommyPoppins.com is the New York guide that treats living in NYC with kids as an incredible adventure; digging up all the incredible things NYC has to offer for babies, toddlers, children and families, uncovering activities, resources, services, schools, parks, places, and culture. Mommy Poppins covers everything parents need to know to get the most out of NYC with kids, with an emphasis on keeping it all affordable.

Welcome to Mommy Poppins

Living in New York is a great adventure. Living here with kids is like going to Great Adventure--it could be lots of fun or it could be endless hassles and getting puked on. We're going to be talking about the whole roller coaster of life in the city with kids. From the big questions like schools to the little questions like what to do this weekend. Think of Mommy Poppins as a spoonful of sugar to help the Paxil go down.
