Yesterday, the lovely people at NY Family Magazine gave Mommy Poppins a terrific shout out. So if you are new to the site because of that, welcome. You've come at a great time because we just happen to be doing a giveaway today.
Before we get to the giveaway, I'd like to give newcomers a brief introduction to the site. Besides our Summer Fun Guide and Free Activity a Day for every single day of the summer, our mos popular post is A NYC Kids' Life List: 100 Things to Do with Your Kids in NYC Before they Grow Up. To dig deeper into the site use our search function at the top of the page or scroll down to the categories on the left. And as my readers know, you can always email me if you have a question or are looking for something in particular.
To find out more about our site and some of it's regular content, take a look at our about page. And if you like what you see, you might want to subscribe to our free email updates.
By the way, for my readers who are looking for preschools this year, NY Family has put together a truly impressive panel of experts for a preschool admissions seminar. Get more info in our events calendar.
But without further ado, let's get to the giveaway. Shea went to see this play, Exit Cuckoo, and here's what she thought: