How to Choose and Use a Baby Carrier in New York City

babywearing.gifAurea emailed me with a question about where to find help with baby wearing lessons. There is no way to underestimate the importance of finding the right carrier for you and your baby. You are going to be holding your infant (and toddler) a lot more than you might have ever guessed pre-pregnancy. The wrong carrier can be anything from annoying to down-right painful—and you want to enjoy have baby close to you, not find it a pain.

Choosing the right carrier for mom and dad (who may need his own if he is not the same size) is really important and worth investing a little time, thought and consideration into. You will need to consider the style of carrier (wrap, sling, bjorn, pack) that you are comfortable using and wearing as well as sizing, comfort and perhaps fashion.

There are a couple different routes to go when looking for help choosing and learning how to use your baby carrier. I've rounded up some good choices here:


Oscars Abridged, Dan Zanes' New Album, "Twin Town", More

hugh jackman oscars.pngSo did you watch the Oscars?  No?  While you’ve probably heard more than enough about the winners, the fashion, and the movies, here are the two picks from the broadcast worth watching, from the Mamacita Poppins herself.  Click through to also check out an atheists take on Dan Zanes new religious album, the weirdest and possibly cutest candle holder, “Twin Town”, and finally – a bra dryer.  That’s right, you heard me….

My Body Belongs to Me Helps Parents (Not) Talk About (Cringe) Sexual Abuse

200902241014.jpgThere are some topics that you just don't ever want to have to discuss with your child. But Jill Starishevsky knows from experience the danger of hiding your head in the sand. As a New York City child abuse and sex crimes prosecutor, Jill has seen too many sad stories of children who were being sexually abused and just didn't know what to do about it.

But it was one girl's story that made her realize she could do something about it. This little 9 year old girl said that she was being abused by her stepfather for years when she saw a segment on Oprah about child abuse that told her to tell an adult. The next day she went in to school and told her teacher. Jill put that bad guy in jail, but realized that sometimes with kids it really is as simple as that.

Are you following KidBuzzNY, Our Twitter Group?

kidbuzzny-widget.png I have to admit. I've always been afraid of starting a forum or anything like that on this site. It feels like hosting a party when you're not sure if anyone is going to come. But I'm pleased to say that our new Twitter group, KidBuzzNY, has really taken off. In just over a week we already have over 100 followers and a very active group of contributors sharing ideas, tips and information on cool stuff for kids in New York.

Where to go and what to call it, dealing with debt, and did Rhianna deserve it

DSC00525.jpgOk ladies let’s talk.  Let’s all just admit that when it comes to using public toilets or when we’re camping that we wish - even just a little bit- that we were built like the boys.  One inventive entrepreneur has come up with a solution, so they claim.  Speaking of boy parts and girl parts, how do you speak of them?  Do your children know the clinical names or nicknames?  This compelling matter along with a few more links including the disturbing trend for young girls to blame victims for domestic violence, some ideas for paying off credit card debt and find out which neighborhood is becoming the hottest place for new families.  This is the good stuff, right here!

10 More Free Story Times for Indoor Fun

Sometimes a story time is just the right amount of activity for us when we don't want to commit to a whole involved outing, but we want something to do out of the house. Plus, they are relatively restful and easy for the exhausted grown-ups. We've written about the story times at Barnes & Noble and the New York Public Library, plus some others, but if you're bored of your same old, same old, here are some interesting new-to-you storytimes to check out, many of them in fun places that you'll be able to stretch your story hour into a full day of fun:  

Friday Afternoon Video Break: Cute Time Lapse Baby


Yes, Folks, it's that time of the week again...your Friday Afternoon Video Break. You've had a hard week and you've earned it. This week's video is the creation of a French photojournalist who apparently has the most inquisitive, autonomous and adorable baby in the Western World. Check out this kid's moves and wish he were yours. Hey, maybe it's time to have another...I'm sure the next one will totally be easy and play alone for long stretches of time...


Mommy of the Month: Molly Snyder—Driven to Do Good

jasmine.pngA few years back, Lisa and Molly became friends. They were neighbors, had kids the same age and were going about raising them. Then, without warning, Lisa was diagnosed with an advanced form of Leukemia. With little time to waste, Lisa Gershowitz Flynn was informed she needed a bone marrow transplant and that there was no match in the national bone marrow database. Molly got to work, and organized a bone marrow drive in the lobby of their children's school. Speaking of her involvement, Molly states simply: “There was no choice. What else is there to do when something like this happens to your friend.”  

At Mommy Poppins we love not over thinking it, acting from the heart and getting things done--that's why Molly Snyder is our mom of the month! Below is a short interview with her and information on how YOU could start a bone marrow drive, register yourself and attend a local drive March 7th for a little girl who desperately needs to find a match.
