Bike Riding with NYC Kids: Best Places for Family Cycling in All Five Boroughs
Submitted by Sonia Gonzalez on
It's not news that New York City is a very bike-friendly town. But you may not have heard about NYC's newest cycling spot, Pier 54, which is specifically aimed at people who want to practice riding a bike. Located at 13th Street in Hudson River Park, this learn-to-bike zone is great for families with kids who aren't yet completely comfortable on two (or three or four) wheels. Plus this June, Bike New York will be offerings free bike lessons at Pier 54 for children and adults.
Once your kid's mastered biking, NYC has many wonderful, safe, car-free routes for families to bike together. Last year we shared our favorite places to bike in Manhattan. Today we're sharing our top cycling spots for families in the five boroughs and beyond.