The New England Aquarium: Transformed?

This past week was what we call in New England a “scorch-ah.” At 7 months pregnant carrying around a 30-pound toddler, I make it my mission to seek out indoor, air-conditioned play time. We live close to the Aquarium and make good use of our membership there. Even during the renovations when everything was covered in drapes, we would still go to check out the make-shift tanks, hopeful for the day when it would be back to full throttle.  

Walking into the Aquarium during the re-opening was a little bit like walking through the parade of The Emperor’s New Clothes. I kept looking for the dramatic changes but couldn’t detect anything that special. The newly painted and decorated walls are nice but our beloved Curious George toddler station was taken away and replaced with, well, nothing (just like that naked Emperor.) Although I left with a general feeling of disappointment, I know a lot of work was done to improve the aquarium. I don’t want to be a negative Nelly, so here are three highlights of the renovations (plus an old favorite) that your toddler might enjoy: 

Mostly Free & Fun Things To Do With NJ Kids This Weekend July 13-14: Fairy Festival, Thomas the Tank Engine Ride, and More!

Now that Independence Day is over, it's time to get back to plain ol' mid-July hot-weather fun, air conditioning not included. So if you're up for the great (toasty) outdoors, you have the choice of a Fairy Festival, a Butterfly Release, a ride with Thomas or some Shakespeare under the stars, here are our picks for this coming weekend. And remember, you can always find a full list of weekend activities in our Event Calendar.

Write For Mommy Poppins Long Island

Mommy Poppins Long Island is always expanding and is looking for a new freelance blogger or two to join our team. Someone who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about Long Island and the things that make living in the suburbs with kids so great. Someone who wants to share their knowledge with our readers and has a talent for picking out the cool, unique, and the off the beaten path destinations and activities. Read on for additional information about this opportunity, as well as instructions on how to apply.

Flying with Kids? How about an In-Flight Nanny?

Every now and then, some enterprising person bangs his or her head against the same wall we've all encountered time and again - and comes up with a totally new and inspired solution. Meet Nanny in the Clouds. If you've ever flown alone with small children, or avoided flying because you couldn't face flying alone with small children, your head will start to buzz when you find out what this company does. You may even check your frequent flyer balance before you go to sleep tonight - because these folks have an easy, affordable way to take the stress out of traveling with toddlers. Skeptics, read on!

15 Free Things To Do On Long Island With Kids This Summer

School's out; the days are long, and it's time to get out and enjoy summer. Watch a movie under the stars; see a live performance; learn about local history, or curl up with a good book. Whether indoors or out, we've compiled a list of some of Long Island's coolest places for family fun. The best part is, all of the activities on this list are completely free. Be sure to check our events calendar for even more free events.

News: Free Ice Cream in NYC, South Street Seaport Museum in Jeopardy, New Downtown Candy Shops, Operation Backpack Kicks Off

Summertime and the living is sweaty. But even the heat can't slow down the news in NYC. This edition of our biweekly links post is truly bittersweet as we welcome a trio of new sweet spots, share the scoop on free ice cream, bid goodbye to a favorite down kid spot, ExerBlast, and follow the continuing saga of the currently closed South Street Seaport Museum. Plus, find out how you can help schoolkids in need via Operation Backpack and check out a cool crowdfunding campaign to launch a huge indoor play space in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

Garden State Fresh: Delicious Recipes for NJ Summer Produce

Good old Jersey sometimes gets a bad rap with its pollution, traffic and calorie-laden diner food. And while I'll be the first to admit NJ has a gritty side, there actually IS a reason we're called the Garden State. As you drive west, past the crowded bridges and tunnels that leave Manhattan, past Newark airport, shopping malls and suburbs, you'll soon find yourself a world away as the roads open up into wide green spaces. Pick any summer weekend, pack up the family in the car and head straight to one of our state's bountiful farms to PYO (that's 'Pick Your Own' for all you city folk!). Then head home and try out one of these simple, but delicious recipes to make the most of New Jersey's awesome summer crops.
