Mommy Poppins Activity Calendar Listing Policies

The Mommy Poppins Activity Calendar is a curated list of the best local family events used by hundreds of thousands of families each week. The top businesses, non-profits, and cultural institutions offering high-quality activities and services to families know Mommy Poppins is the best place to list their organization and activities. Our calendar lists live local and virtual events, attraction tickets, classes, and camps.

All submissions are moderated by our editors to maintain quality and consistency. Please read our guidelines carefully to improve the chances that your submission will be approved.

Please visit our Help Center for more information. 



Basic Activity Listings can include in-person or virtual events that are high-quality, appropriate, entertaining, and enriching for families and meet the following guidelines:

  • Cannot be a camp, class, service, or attraction. 

  • Cannot be a series of events, subscription, or anything that requires ongoing registration. 

  • Cannot cost more than $30 per person.

  • Each listing must be for one distinct event with a specific time, date, name, and location.

  • You must have the right to publish any submitted copy, photography, or graphics.

  • Open Houses and Trial Classes may be listed as a Basic Activity Listing only with a paid Provider or Provider Plus membership.


Put your listing at the top of the calendar and in our calendar widget across our site for additional promotion. You can also list the following types of activities only with a featured listing: 

  • Admission to ticketed events, exhibits, or shows

  • Single-day and/or drop-in school break camps and classes

  • Full-week camp sessions

  • Class packages

  • Events that cost more than $30 per person

To feature your listing submit it as usual and then return to your activity dashboard and click on the plus sign in the Featured column next to your listing. 


  • We receive a very high volume of activity submissions. We recommend that you submit your activity at least one week in advance.
  • Priority is given to Featured Listings and submissions from partners with a Provider Membership. We do our best to get to the rest of the submissions, but we cannot guarantee that free, basic submissions will be moderated in time or that we will be able to correspond if your submission does not meet our guidelines. 
  • Please search our calendar before submitting to make sure that your activity has not already been published. 



  • Promote your overall business with a dedicated Provider Page, searchable in the "by Provider" search.

  • We also offer banner ads in our event calendar.


To find out more about any of the above, please email

By submitting your listing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.