Links: Baby Adolf Hitler, Experimenting on Your Kids, more

200901181743.jpgHappy Martin Luther King Day. Whether you're working or home with the kiddos, here's all the news that's (probably not) fit for print. Ever wonder what would happen if you named your kid something crazy, like, say Adolf Hitler? One family in NJ just found out. Plus, facing the velvet rope at a nightclub as a mother, scientists who are experimenting on their own kids, indoor alternatives to keep your kids from climbing the walls, Uncle Mexico wants you, and which sex toy is right for you?  Jump!

Top Craft and Indoor Activities Websites for Toddlers and Kids

WeddingChain.jpgAn editor from another kids parenting publication (I'm not going to out him/her) emailed me that s/he had no idea what they were going to do with their kids for a three day weekend of subzero weather. If she is stumped, then the rest of us are totally SCREWED! But seriously, here are some of my favorite websites for inspiration for indoor activities and things to do on a rainy, or freezing cold, day. These are mostly smaller blogs, written by moms with really sweet activity ideas. Check out these sites, browse through the archives, click on their blogrolls to find other great related sites. (Hey at least you'll be occupied all weekend.)

Top 5 Craft and Indoor Activity Websites:

Mint: Zipcar competitor offers $2 car rental


If you've been reading this blog for a long time, you know about my love of ZipCar, the car sharing service that lets you rent a car in New York City by the hour. While ZipCar has been adding more cars and locations, there's a new competitor on the road, Mint.

Just like ZipCar, Mint offers car rental on demand and by the hour. Gas and EZ Pass are included. Even the rates are identical, except for an introductory promotional offer that allows you to rent a Mint car for just $2 an hour Monday through Thursday, 8 am to 5pm.

Links: Momsicles, Preschool Advice, Eco-Friendly NY, More

200901140642.jpgWhile searching far, wide and near for today’s roundup of links I’ve been reminded of the terrible stress of putting your kid in daycare for the first time.  There is a universal maternal (and paternal!) tension around this topic.  After the jump is a personal recommendation for my peeps in Brooklyn.  Also: exploring the fear of getting separated from your kids on the subway, a new tool for measuring the alcohol content in your breast milk, and listen sister – let’s make sure you’re not smearing one of the eleven worst facial moisturizers on your mug, OK?

Barack Obama Inauguration Activities for Kids


If you are excited about the historic inauguration of our 44th President, Barack Obama, and you are a parent, you may also feel a little bit of pressure over how exactly to get your kids involved in this event in an age-appropriate way. Yesterday I posted where you can watch the Inauguration live, but there are also several events tailored just for kids to celebrate Obama's inauguration in New York City. I've also included some inauguration activity ideas and must read books.

[Baby got Barack T-Shirt from]


Places to Watch the Obama Presidential Inauguration Live in NYC


Taking the kids to DC doesn't seem like such a great idea, what with the crowds, the temperatures, not to mention the stroller ban. But that doesn't mean you have to miss the opportunity to be part of Barack Obama's historic Presidential Inauguration live event. There are places all over the city to watch the Inauguration in a group setting so you get that live experience, but with heat and subway access.

Seaport Ice Finally Open


Word spread fast to downtown families about the ice skating rink at the South Street Seaport finally opening up. When we went on Sunday afternoon, it was already comfortably crowded. The rink is fairly small, and the pavilion is not as nice as the one at Bryant Park, but with a predominantly downtown family crowd and no speeding teenagers, it was a great place for kids to ice skate.
