Get Outta Town: San Francisco

Despite the fickle weather, summer is just around the corner and it's time to get serious about planning those summer vacations. So, this week we thought we'd share some summer travel ideas with a couple of family friendly destinations to inspire your summer travel dreams. This first one is a guest post from Jackie Burwell from the Bay Area's aParentlySpeaking blog. Jackie shares her insider tips on a visit t San Francisco with kids. Thanks, Jackie!

We here at the Bay Area's aParentlySpeaking blog know families traveling to San Francisco are looking for a few key things: the soaring orange bridge, clanging cable cars and that famous Ghirardelli chocolate. So here's our idea of a perfect day or two by the Bay with tots, teens or tweens; five cool family outings that should give you and your kids your photo opps, trolleys and treats, but show you another side of our pretty city too.

Photo Credit: Contra Costa Times

Stroller Nazi's, Birth Stories, Riding Robots and More

linkin blogsI admit it, I'm lovin' The NY Times this week...

In a relationship rut? Check out this article on Michael Roach and Christie McNally, the Buddhist couple who vowed to be both celibate and never apart by more than 15 feet. It will either give you some ideas or make you feel just fine with what you've got going on. Either way, it's totally fascinating.

More Stroller Nazi Talk. Stroller Moms can't get no love in Park Slope. And is anyone else out there also getting tired of the term Stroller Nazi?

Free Fun Friday: Dance Parade, Kites, Horses, Mamapalooza

This weekend is absolutely jam-packed with festivals and activities, so I will just write about the top ten can't miss activities in brief. Also be sure to check out our Weekend of trickster and Folklore Events post for this weekend. This is yet another weekend I wish I could be in ten places at once (one of them obviously being in bed...oh, man, wouldn't it be great if you could spend the day in bed while your other self went out with the kids and did all kinds of fun stuff...sorry, little mommy fantasy moment there.) 

Get Tricky: A weekend full of trickster stories and folklore


Photo: Anansi, The Spiderman of Africa

My son loves trickster stories (gee I can't imagine why). Trickster stories exist in one form or another in just about every culture. We have Bugs Bunny and Johnny Depp, but Native American and African stories are filled with animal trickster tales.

Trickster stories are great for kids. Kids love seeing grown-ups act like mischievous children and also getting fooled, but trickster stories also help children see mischievous behavior from another perspective and learn about the consequences of their actions.

This weekend there are a bunch of activities to expose kids to some fun and interesting trickster and other folk and multicultural tales.

Best Mommy Poppins Posts: Reader's Picks

I want to thank everyone for participating in our Mother's Day Giveaway Week. It was really fun reading everyone's comments and giving away all those prizes. Today we're announcing the winner of our Mother and Child Portrait Session Giveaway and I wanted to share the posts that readers picked out as their favorites in the comments of our Spa Giveaway. In addition to some of our most popular posts and favorite weekly features like Linkin' Blogs and Free Fun Friday, a bunch of readers have really been paying attention and chosen some of the hidden gems of the site as their favorite posts. Take a look at what your fellow readers have been liking on the site:

Reader's Choice: Best Mommy Poppins Posts
Armchair Exploring: Cool sites to discover off-the-beaten-path New York
Mom??™s Groups Roundup
best candy stores in NYC (Actually two posts, Economy Candy and Sweet Life)
Green Sites for Families
It's time to give up the (water) bottle.
100 things to do with kid in NYC
Indoor Activities for NYC Kids
where to ski with kids in new york
summer camp overview
Great Places to Swim
99 Sensory Activities For Any Child

Thanks, everyone, for reading the site and sharing your favorite posts with us. We're glad you like it!

And now to announce our big winner:

Free Range Moms, Bedbugs Ride Subway, Toddlers in Heels

linkinblogs.gifJust cause the last time you sat down to read a newspaper was when ???pooped out??? still meant tired to you doesn??™t mean you can??™t stay up to date with what??™s going on. We??™ve rounded up the top stories you don??™t want to miss from the NYC media this week.

Also, don't forget that you have until 11pm tonight to enter into our last Mother's Day Giveaway, an amazing portrait photography session.

Are you a helicopter mom or a free-range mom? NY Times reports on online programs that allow parents to track their kids daily progress in school for the ultimate helicopter move, while Lenore Skenazy of letting her 9 year old ride the subway alone fame grapples with other peoples' perceptions of the free range moms on her blog Free Range Kids.

Mother of All Giveaways: Mother and Child Portrait Session


It's Friday which means we have come to the last day of our Mother's Day Giveaway week, it's been a lot of fun reading your comments and giving out some great gifts. Thanks to everyone who has participated...but it's not over yet. Today we have an incredible prize we've been saving all week!

(And don't forget to see if you are already a winner. The winners for the Mommy Cards, Flowers and Spa prizes are announced at the end of this post. Earlier giveaway winner are listed on previous posts.)

Mother of All Giveaways Finale: Mother and Child Portrait Sitting
We are ending the week with the mother of all prizes, the gift of a mother and child portrait session by the amazingly talented Brooklyn-based photographer Leah Michaelson. Leah has exhibited internationally and has photographs in the collection at The Museum of Modern Art. Check out her website to see her work, which is really beautiful.

Mothers Day Weekend Activities in New York

We heard what real moms want for Mothers Day in the comments of our Mommy Cards and Flowers Giveaway. Not Diamonds, not even jewelry or flowers. What moms really want is time. Time alone. Time with their kids. Time for dad to be with the kids. So we've rounded up some Mother's Day weekend activities that cover all the bases, whatever Mom's in the mood for.

For mom who wants a fun day out with the whole family
 Special Events BikelicfrontFirst Annual LIC Bike Parade!
Socrates Sculpture Park
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Registration 11:30 AM
Workshops 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Parade 3:00 PM - 4:00PM Rain or shine!

I'm always afraid that the cool, artsy community events will die out in NYC, but here's an example of a brand new one just being born.
