Beyond the Bake Sale: Free School Fundraising Seminar
There’s no need to sell unhealthy packaged goods to raise money!
Parents are concerned and outraged with the DoE's new regulation limiting home baked goods at bake sales, the tried and true method of raising money for their schools. Don't let the new regulaions take away from your important school programs...and definitely don't start selling junk foods instead of home baked goods.
Learn how your school can earn more from its current fundraisers and discover many simple new fundraising ideas beside bake sales.
We will also discuss how the new DoE regulations affect your school fundraising efforts and what parents can do to fight for healthier foods in schools.
Jean Joachim, author of Beyond the Bake Sale, will be sharing simple, effective fundraising ideas that any school PTA or student club can implement to raise more money for their programs.
The date and venue for this event are still being confirmed. Please email mommy@mommypoppins to register and we will send you event information as soon as we have it.