Grunion Fish-tival

Sat Jun 8, 2024
8:00pm to 11:45pm PT
Age: 6 and up
Price: Adults $7; Kids $3
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

Silvery fish come up on the beach to spawn on Southern California's sandy shore as another legendary grunion run begins. 

The once-a-year Grunion Fishtival adds more fun activities to the mix.

The aquarium presentation before the grunion run on this evening is more extensive than on other evenings in the season; families can hatch grunion eggs, learn how to make grunion origami, participate in grunion arts and crafts, watch a classic grunion video, interact with grunion researchers, touch live tidepool animals, and see the many other live animals in the Aquarium.

After participating in the indoor grunion activities, everyone heads to the beach to observe the enchanting fish. During the month of June grunion may be observed, but not captured. Warm clothing and a flashlight are recommended.

 Grunion are sardine-size fish of the silversides family, which are among the few species of fish that actually come ashore to lay their eggs on sandy beaches. They are found from Southern California south to Baja California and arrive at night after the high tide around the new moon and full moon. Cabrillo Beach is one of the better places to observe the fish.

April, May and June are closed season; grunion may not be taken.

More Activities Here
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.