Teen Advisory Board at Helen Hall Library

Wed Nov 6, 2019 - Wed Nov 20, 2019
- see all dates
Repeating every 2 weeks — Wednesdays through November 20, 2019.
7:00pm to 8:00pm CT
Age: 12-18
Price: Free
Helen Hall Library

Teens (ages 12-18) are invited to gain leadership experience and help plan events at the library while gaining service hours. 

*Applications are required and will be provided at the program. New members always welcome.

Requirements of a TAB MEMBER:

-Regularly attend monthly meetings.
-Be an active participant in the group, be willing to share ideas, and interact in meetings
-Act as a library ambassador and all-around role model of good teen behavior
-Attend at least one teen program in addition to TAB per semester, but more is always better.
-Submit a book/audiobook review of at least 150 words per semester to Ms. Sheldon Stevens, the Teen Services Librarian, via email (sheldon.stevens@leaguecitytx.gov).

Please Note: All member requirements must be fulfilled before TAB service hours can be approved.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.