Kids Flix Mix 2 & The Painting - Christopher Ladreyt's Review

Reviewer Christopher Ladreyt is 9 years old and a student at Roosevelt Elementary School.

Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts, of which Christopher has reviewed several:

Snack Attack
This short film was my favorite. It made me nervous because I felt for an old grandma who got scared. The story also had prominent animation that made you feel like you were in the movie. It also had a surprising end. It is a whirlwind of nervousness for the character and not knowing what will happen next.

The Extinction of the Sabre-toothed Housecat
This is a very fun film. They used the music well. Then, basing the story on a clever idea that connected two seemingly different events made it hilarious. It had great cartoon-like animation. The ending had a great twist. This is good because it amazes the watcher.

Subway Train
Turn up the music add some awesome pictures and voilà! Subway Train!
This short has the best animation of all! This is because everything was hand drawn. NO CAMERA !!!
Let’s be honest, no one uses hand drawn pictures anymore. That is what makes it special.

The Painting
This is a great, colorful film, and I for one have never seen anything like it. The idea of having "all-dones," "halvies," and sketches represent artwork at different stages of completion is just outstanding.

Kids Flix Mix 2 plays on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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Kids Flix Mix 2 - Ian Brown's Review

Reviewer Ian Brown is 9 years old and a student at Edison Language Academy.

Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts; Ian has reviewed The Extinction of the Saber-toothed Housecat:

If you’re talking hilarious, The Extinction of the Saber-toothed Housecat, I think, would be the funniest film ever made in the world’s history. It’s dramatic, crazy cuckoo, hilarious, and it’s family-friendly. From one second old into your hundreds, even in your teens, this movie is one of the only movies that everyone would like if they knew about it.

It’s about a cat with long teeth who has a very unfortunate day and sadly does not survive it. Luckily it has no potty talk. It has real pictures with cartoons drawn over them and opera music.

So, my friends, this is your goal. After you see this movie, your whole world will change into happiness and laughter, and you’ll be dying to show it to everyone you know, and they’ll crack up and laugh with you every time.

The Extinction of the Saber-toothed Housecat plays as part of Kids Flix Mix 2 on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - William Kjenner-Love's Review

Reviewer William Kjenner-Love is 9 years old and a student at Edison Language Academy

Sketchy was my favorite character, because he had no color, and he was the one that didn’t get squished. He reminded me of C-3PO from Star Wars.

The movie was sad sometimes, because of the bad who were hurtful to the nice people, but in the end it was worth it to watch because it had an important lesson: all people should be accepted for what they are and not for what they look like.

I would most likely recommend my friends to see this movie.

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - Kai Lauer's Review

Reviewer Kai Lauer (Critic at Large) is 8 years old and a student at Edison Language Academy.

This is a very interesting movie. I liked it because it had a different take on what I like a lot in a movie: Action!

The movie makers managed to have big adventure happen in the setting of many different paintings! The characters would leap from the setting of one painting, a war scene, to another, like a landscape scene. This was not like any other animated films I'd seen. It showed animation in a "real world" setting (no space ships or aliens in this movie) and was very beautiful but also fast moving.

The important thing is that there was a lesson: people shouldn’t try to get others to be like themselves. They should accept other people as they are. I think a lot of people should go out and see this movie. It's different!

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - Maya Lauer's Review

Reviewer Maya Lauer is 10 years old and a student at Edison Language Academy.

For readers who may have forgotten, this wonderful film will be a gentle reminder to appreciate the way you are and things you have.

That’s the overlying message that The Painter delivers.

This animated film was great. The general idea is that the whole movie is a picture – all part of a painting – which helped symbolize the meaning or lesson that there is more to a painting than just the picture we see.

Helping to guide my appreciation was the style of animation. It was unlike any I have ever seen before. The style was much more artistic than in a cartoon style.

My favorite character was Lola, because, unlike the other characters in the movie, Lola appreciated the way she was. She wanted to stay a “halfie” (not a “whole person”) because she felt like that’s how she was born and how she was meant to be.

I definitely recommend the movie – great for kids and helps them understand what art is really about in a deeper way.

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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Kids Flix Mix 2 - Ethan Schmieder's Review

Ethan Schmieder is 9 years old and a student in the third grade. Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts; Ethan has reviewed The Extinction of the Saber-toothed Housecat:

This was my favorite cartoon. The cat is doing all the things that cats do: eat, play, stretch, be lazy, chase butterflies. The music with the meteor meant something scary was going to happen and then they go to the cat and he is playing. I would see this again with my friends. I did not like the Grandma Tree one and the one with the guy who takes off his head. Those were creepy. They didn't make sense and made me scared.

The Extinction of the Saber-toothed Housecat plays as part of Kids Flix Mix 2 on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - Sage Guzman's Review

Reviewer Sage Guzman is 9 years old and a student at Holly Avenue Elementary School.

With an extraordinary story this unique, detailed, French animated film makes you feel as if you're with the characters in scenes jumping in and out of different paintings with different colors, emotions, and even different styles of art. The main characters are Lola, a halfie who is a curious girl with a never-ending imagination (she is my favorite); Magenta, a dainty little boy in a red uniform who is from a war painting; and Ramo, who is an artistic aldon in a forbidden love with another halfie.

Together the friends set out on a journey through the art world created by the painter who never finished the halfies or sketchies. My favorite part of the movie is when Lola enters the forbidden forests, because there are so many whimsical plants curling out as if they are alive, and it makes you feel like you're a part of the whole scene. I would recommend this movie for kids 8 and up, because there is a tiny part in the movie where a woman is naked in a painting. If you are a creative person with a huge imagination, trust me; you will absolutely fall in love with this fantastic film!

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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Kids Flix Mix 2 - Rosalie Moore's Review

Reviewer Rosalie Moore is 7 years old and a student at Castle Heights Elementary School.

Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts, of which Rosalie has reviewed three:

Fresh Guacamole
I like Fresh Guacamole because the filmmaker uses things to pretend it is tomatoes or onions. I think it is funny because they pretend it is food ingredients. It is an animation; that'’s why I like it. I think you should see it.

They are two dolls, a boy and a girl in a store, and a man buys Lola the girl doll. This doll boy goes into an adventure, because he wants to find Lola, the girl doll. The boy doll went all over the world; finally he arrived at the end of his adventure. I like it because the filmmaker took pictures and added dolls to it, and I like adventure. I think you should look at this movie. I recognized Paris and San Francisco.

Going to Mum's
I did not like Mum's because it is a sad story. The boy is scared; the mum and the dad were fighting. They fight about clothes, but I think you should still watch it because I am not you.

Kids Flix Mix 2 plays on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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