Kids Flix Mix 2 & The Painting - Olivia Israel's Review

Reviewer Olivia Israel is 7 years old and a student at Will Rogers Elementary School.

Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts, of which Olivia has reviewed several:

Paper Touch
This movie made me happy. I think it is a great movie for all ages because there are no scary parts. It is a very creative way of using paper and animation. Paper Touch is bright and colorful. I really loved it, and I'm sure you will too.

Guacamole is a very clever film. It shows you how to make something in the kitchen out of things that you don't usually have in your kitchen. I love to cook, and it made me want to go home and make guacamole and eat it with a bag of chips. Lots of fun!

Mi Abuela
This movie was a little scary. It has no words but tells the story of a little girl who visits her grandma, who spends a lot of time knitting and rocking. She has a dream that seems to come to life, and it scares her. I liked it but would not recommend it for five and under. It was a little scary for me, and I'm seven. The only thing that was not scary is the ending, which was nice and happy.

This is a very cute movie about two dolls that are separated, and what they do to try to find each other. It's a very sweet story, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to put a smile on their face. I loved Lola so much, because it really made me smile and feel happy.

The Painting
This is a story about characters in a painting that come to life. The artist never finished the painting so some of the characters are not finished, which causes lots of problems for them. Two of them fall in love, but they are not allowed to be together because they are different from each other. This is a very creative movie, with lots of pretty colors, great animation, and I liked it a lot! The best part is how all the characters realized they really could all live together with each other and get along. Kids under five might not understand it, but I loved it, and I'm seven. I would definitely see this again!

Kids Flix Mix 2 plays on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre.
The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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Kids Flix Mix 2 - Lilianah Barton's Review

Reviewer Lilianah Barton is 9 years old and a student at Roosevelt Elementary School.

Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts; Lilianah has reviewed The Extinction of the Saber-toothed Housecat:

Having a bad day? Worried about something? Scared? Well, there is one film that can cheer you up! It's called The Extinction of the Saber Tooth House Cat. It's a film about a cat and what he does every morning. What he doesn't know is that his life might be in danger.

On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate this film 100! Great animation! I like how they take pictures in reality and add an animated figure. I think that everyone should see this movie. If you don't get to see this movie then all I have to say is that it's hilarious. You should go see that movie!

The Extinction of the Saber-toothed Housecat plays as part of Kids Flix Mix 2 on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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Kids Flix Mix 2 - Anya's Review

Reviewer Anya is 9 years old and a student at Edison Language Academy.

Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts, of which Anya has reviewed several:

Snack Attack
Really funny short film. Great characters. Big surprise at the end.

At the Opera
Great singers, though what they were seriously surprised me. I almost expected them to drown in tears.

Subway Train
Really creative drawings. Loved the song and animals.

Paper Touch
I loved how much imagination and creativity they put into it. I never knew you could create stuff like that using paper.

I’m Going to Mum’s
I found it really sad. I have to say, though, that there were a lot of clothes.

What a big adventure for such a little doll!  I thought it was really good and that the places the doll goes to are great.

Fresh Guacamole
Just looking at the movie made me hungry.  Great use of "ingredients."

I loved the teeth. I can't believe he went as far as drawing on them. Good film.

Kids Flix Mix 2 plays on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - Ivy Starr's Review

Reviewer Ivy Starr is 6 years old and a student at Franklin Elementary School.

I thought The Painting was a journey to a magical, unreal world. It had lots of cool characters, dark colors, and bright colors. I also liked the mix between the real world and the painting world.

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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Kids Flix Mix 2 & The Painting - Astra English's Review

Reviewer Astra English is 8 years old and a student at Friends Western School in Pasadena.

Kids Flix Mix 2 is a collection of shorts, of which Astra has reviewed several:

At the Opera
This film was funny because of the onions.

Paper Touch
This was a beautiful film. There were so many colors. It was amazing how they got all that paper to move. This film is perfect for kids. The colors and the music matched together. Very cool film.

Fresh Guacamole
It was funny to see all these things being chopped up. I liked the part with the grenade.

I'm Going to Mum's
This film was sad but had a happy ending.

The Storyteller
This was live action and cartoons. The part with the head off was a bit creepy, but I liked the film.

The Painting
I liked this film. It was a beautiful film to watch. I liked how it was narrated by the girl, and I liked how the paintings come to life in the real world.

Kids Flix Mix 2 plays on May 4, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre.
The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - Ella Rose C's Review

Reviewer Ella Rose is 11 years old.

The Painting is a spectacular movie. It is one of a kind, an automatic classic. The animation is breathtaking. It really made me feel like I was in a painting.

The story has so much meaning, and it really made me think from the beginning to the end. This animated feature does include a tad bit of female nudity in a painting, and a few scary images, but I would recommend this for ages 8 through 1,000. This movie has a shake of adventure, a dash of charm, a spoonful of fantasy, a dollop of romance, and a splash of courage. A perfect dish!

The love sequence in this movie reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, as the lovers in The Painting have to meet in secret. The only complaint I have about this movie is they could have made it a bit shorter.

If you think out of the box, and are artistic and creative, then believe me, you should watch this movie!

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - Stewart Smith's Review

Reviewer Stewart Smith is 14 years old and a student at the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies.

The Painting is an animated independent film made in France in 2011. Telling a story of life in an unfinished painting, it tells a Shakespeare-esque story of a world plagued by racism in which a band of sketches and paintings search for their painter to ask him to return and fix their world.

Rich with color and liveliness, it covers a lot of recurring themes in modern life, such as tension between completed and unfinished characters. The biggest theme, however, seems to be the use of religious metaphor. The characters feel abandoned by the painter, search for the painter, have faith in the painter, and pray for the painter. While the story itself is a nice change from the modern clichés you find in blockbusters, one can’t help but notice a few discrepancies, including a couple of plot lines which are more or less abandoned as the film goes on. Some of the dialog and flow of the movie also felt a little clunky, and some of the characters seemed a bit empty.

The key aspect of the film’s allure is, quite obviously, its artistic style. Presented in a beautifully painted format with impressive color choice and form, it is a remarkable example of human expressionism.

The movie has a little bit of nudity, which may cause some giggles upon less mature audiences, but rest assured that it is all in the interest of recreating the feel of a painting, and that it’s generally no worse than that of Titanic.

All in all, the movie presents a moderately structured story with creative religious undertones in a style which breaks the modern cultural trend of paintings and turns the movie into less of a blockbuster and more of, well, a work of art.

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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The Painting - Ava Mae Leslie's Review

Reviewer Ava Mae Leslie is 8 years old and a student at Marquez Charter School.

I think that you should see this movie when you are the age of 7 and up. In the movie, paintings come to life, and in one of the paintings, a lady is naked and you can see her big boobs. Some kids were laughing, and some adults were embarrassed. The painting was kind of inappropriate for 6-year-olds and down.

The other characters in the movie had different color skins (for example, one boy had blue skin). There were “Sketchies,” “Halfies,” and “All Dones.” The All Dones were being mean to the Sketchies and the Halfies. They were not letting them be in the castle with them and would step on the Sketchies and break them in half. There is a little romance in this movie so don’t be creeped out… kissy, kissy! They kissed away on the lips. Claire and the boy with blue skin were in romance together. My favorite character was Claire because she has a beautiful dress. My least favorite character is the Skull guy with the bloody ax. I did not like him because he gave me the creeps.

My favorite part of the movie was when they found the real painter. I liked it because Lola asked the painter who he got painted from, but he was a human. Laugh, laugh, laugh. The story was about a bunch of different paintings that the painter made, and three people are trying to get the painter back to finish the rest of the characters. If I could change one thing about the movie, I would change the Skull guy into a nice cheetah, and the cheetah would give them a ride to find the painter. I thought some parts were very, very, very hilarious!

I hope you all have a good time watching the movie.

The Painting plays May 5, 2013, at 11am at The Aero Theatre. Buy tickets in advance through this link to make a donation to the school of your choice.

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