Weekend Fun for NJ Kids: Hooray for Hanukkah, Snowflake Parade, December 5-6

By now, we’ve all stuffed ourselves silly with leftover turkey, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes! Now that Thanksgiving weekend has come and gone, it’s time to really get into the holiday spirit, with Christmas and Hanukkah just around the corner. Get ready for the 1st night of Hanukkah with a menorah lighting during the Holiday Nature Craft Show at Trailside Nature Center or the Hooray for Hanukkah festival at the Garden State Discovery Museum. And you’ll find plenty of Christmas cheer in every corner of our state from the Laser Holiday Magic Show at the NJ State Museum to the Definitely Dickens Christmas Carolers in downtown Chester to the Downtown Millburn Snowflake Parade. Whatever you decide to do this weekend, we hope you enjoy it with family and friends. For even more activity options, check out our Event Calendar.

Indoor Swimming Pools in New Haven County

When it’s 20 degrees out and your kids are “trying on” their summer swim suits you may think they are going crazy or have cabin fever!  Well, I’m not an expert, but I’m guessing the latter is the case.  Make their day and take them to one of the indoor swimming options we have found in New Haven County.  More indoor pools can be found in Hartford and Fairfield Counties. Your kids will thank you!

Vaccines: Don't Lose Your Child's School Spot over the New Vaccination Law

As of January 1, 2016, California becomes one of just three states (along with Mississippi and West Virginia) with mandatory vaccination requirements. This means that personal or religious belief exemptions will no longer be allowed for children entering school at the following three points: Childcare/Preschool, Kindergarten, and 7th grade. This affects many more families than just those who oppose vaccines, and probably many who don't yet realize they are affected. Parents who have made use of the personal belief exemption as a means to buy time (perhaps because they fully intend to vaccinate their kids, but not on the same schedule as their school district), need to know that this strategy is no longer an option. Complete proof of vaccination must be presented at the time of enrollment, which may be several months prior to the start of the actual school year.

Shopping with Playspaces: Where Grownups Shop While Kids Play

It’s that shopping time of year. While hitting the stores alone sounds ideal, it’s likely you’ll have to shop with the kids in tow at some point. And we all know shopping with kids can be challenging, if not downright chaotic. Having experienced a five alarm meltdown in a home improvement store a while back (I have yet to return), I tend to dodge stores that have no toy aisle.

While there are plenty of book and toy stores that have train tables and other fun activities, sometimes we can’t avoid dragging the kids to clothing, jewelry, grocery and other adult-oriented shops. Fortunately, we’ve discovered some non-children stores that offer play spaces and other tantrum-preventing distractions. So if you plan to shop as a family, check out some of these child-friendly non-child stores. Multi-location stores may not offer the play features in every branch, so you may want to contact your local destination ahead of time. Hopefully-happy shopping!

Tree Lighting Ceremonies and Holiday Parades in Bucks County PA

Ready to make some Christmas memories? Families will cherish moments with Santa Claus and the oohs and ahhs that come when the local Christmas trees light up for the first time. Bucks County, like much of the Philadelphia region, boasts its share of opportunities to get into the season right in your backyard. So get bundled up, pack your thermos of hot chocolate, and enjoy the show!

Don't forget to check out our Events Calendar for even more festive fun!

'That Physics Show' Makes Science Even Cooler Than Magic

While this season is all about the great holiday theater for kids, not everyone is into swans, bears and Nutcrackers. Maybe your tyke prefers jet packs and a bed of nails instead?

That Physics Show is an awesome and educational production that has absolutely nothing to do with the holidays, but that doesn't make it any less spectacular. Veteran Rutgers University physics demonstrator David Maiullo doesn't need glitz, glamor or glitter to wow school-age kids with his amazing experiments as he makes balloons burst into flame, soda cans crack and lasers light up the room. Some of the demos are so incredible you may feel like you're watching a magic show. But all of his "tricks" are actually just science, which is the most mind-blowing reveal of all.

5 Wintertime Hikes for Philly Families

Being stuck indoors during the winter months can really bring about a case of the doldrums, especially when the kids are raring to get outside to do something...anything! Just because it's cold outside doesn't mean there still isn't plenty to do outdoors with the kids in tow. 

Taking the kids hiking on trails, in a national park, or on a mountain, can be a great way to get in that time outdoors and get in some much-needed exercise for the whole family! Here are 5 spots where families can hit the trails and enjoy the winter scenery.

A Parent's Review of Matilda: The Musical

Filled with undying energy, twisted humor, dark characters, and a soundtrack to match, Matilda: The Musical debuted the first leg of a national tour in Philadelphia in mid-November.

Grown-ups who have read the book written by Roald Dahl will recognize all the classic characters throughout the show, including Matilda (played by Mabel Tyler), Miss Honey (played by Jennifer Blood), and the evil headmistress, Miss Trunchbull (played by Bryce Rynes). The cast did an outstanding job of bringing their famed characters to life.
