Free & Fun Things to this Weekend for NYC Kids: NYBG Holiday Train Show, Icky Fest!, Gustafer Yellowgold November 17-18

Even though Thanksgiving isn't until next week, there's still plenty of holiday season fun this weekend. The New York Botanical Garden is launching its annual Holiday Train Show; Central Park's Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre is reviving The Three Bears Holiday Bash; many holiday markets are open for business, including the ones at Bryant Park, Union Square and Grand Central Terminal; and big-name stores like Macy's, Lord & Taylor and Bloomingdale's are unveiling their magical holiday windows.

Of course there's plenty of non-holiday fun too, like the Brooklyn Children's Museum's Icky Fest!, the Brooklyn Museum's annual Children's Book Festival, and concerts by family favorites Astrograss and Gustafer Yellowgold.

These are just a few of the great things going on this weekend. All of our best bets are below. You can find additional options in our Event Calendar and Holiday Fun Guide.

Mostly Free & Fun Things To Do With NJ Kids This Weekend Nov. 17-18: Turkey Trot, Gingerbread Demo, Angelina Ballerina & More!

We were just dressing up our little ones as superheroes and fairies, but Thanksgiving is already next week! Holiday events are starting to pop up on our radar, so check out the Turkey Trot or the Gingerbread House Demonstration. Not ready to break out the jingle bells? Round the family up for the Cirque Chinois, Angelina Ballerina the Musical or the Medieval Knights Sword Fighting Show. Read on for our top picks and remember you can find a listing of all NJ activities in our Event Calendar.

News: Popular NYC Kid Spots Closed Due to Sandy, MTA Fare Hike Hearings, Sesame Street and Sandy

Even two weeks after it hit, Hurricane Sandy is still on all of our minds as local families and businesses continue to struggle. The sad fact is, it may take months for those affected to get back on their feet, and many popular family places, like the New York Aquarium and the New York City Police Museum, are closed indefinitely. We've got a list of our favorite kid spots that have yet to reopen post-storm, new tips on how to help with the recovery and a link to where you can watch that Sesame Street hurricane episode online.

Gluten-Free Family-Friendly Restaurants in NYC

My oldest son was four-years-old before we figured out that his constant coughs, colds and bronchial infections were being caused by food allergies. Once we removed the offending items from his diet, he became a different child (though the hearing loss he suffered as a result of us not catching his condition sooner remains to this day).

Because of my own experience, I always urge parents whose kids suffer from mysterious maladies to get them tested, and then follow the prescribed dietary guidelines to the letter. Whether your child has a major issue like Celiac disease or a minor sensitivity, you'll want to be vigilant about what they put into their mouths—but that doesn't mean you'll have to cook every meal from scratch yourself. In New York City, many restaurants are able to accommodate guests with a variety of food allergies. Today, we've rounded up our favorite NYC eateries that offer a wide range of gluten-free dishes and are also kid-friendly, so affected members of your family can eat their cake (and pasta and pizza) and digest it, too.

Family Outing at the Nixon Presidential Library

Those folks in other cities who think that LA's version of history and culture consists of Disneyland and beach volleyball - do they know that two of the nation's 13 presidential museums are here in the LA area? That we live in a hotbed of presidential history hosting more presidential libraries than Washington DC and New York City combined? 'Cause they are, and we do. If you haven't yet reached this item on our 100 Things To Do with LA Kids list, we're happy to give you a sneak preview of what awaits at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda.

Celebrating Thanksgiving in and around New Haven, CT

With the last of our Tootsie Pops headed out the door from Halloween, we are looking ahead to Thanksgiving.  The New Haven area has a variety of interesting, fun and kid-friendly holiday events…so we’ll be hopping on the Merritt Parkway and heading to New Haven for some Thanksgiving fun!

Circus Vargas Review: Family Fun Under the Big Top!

Not so long ago, it was every kid's dream to join the circus. Times may have changed, but never fear: the circus is alive and well and raising its tent across Southern California. We spent an afternoon under the Circus Vargas tent this week, and because we believe in dreams, we'll be sharing the fun and sending one lucky Mommy Poppins subscriber family to the circus, too (details to follow in our weekly newsletter).
