6 Indoor Birthday Party Places for Active Kids South of Boston

Looking for a place to hold a kid’s birthday party south of Boston? We continue our series of indoor birthday party places for active kids with six different types of parties on the South Shore - gymnastics, dance, rock climbing, swimming, open play, and skating - that all allow kids to stay active and have fun in a safe, indoors environment.

And as with any party that is not held in your home, they all offer advantages like plenty of space, no weather worries, no mess to clean up afterwards, and minimal preparation required for parents. Read on for details about 6 indoor birthday party places south of Boston to consider. Please check out our Birthday Party Guide for more places to have a kid’s birthday party in MA, including our roundup of indoor birthday party places for active kids in Boston.

Where Aspiring Ice Hockey Stars Can Learn to Play in Westchester

At the 2006 games, 15 year old Valentina Bettarini broke world records by being the youngest Olympic hockey player, male or female, that the sport had ever seen. That means that today's 7 year olds already have a shot at Olympic gold in the 2022 competition. Set them on the right course early with a good ice hockey program.

Earlier this week, we let you know about the many places around Westchester where kids can learn figure skating. If hockey's more your thing, try out one of the beginner, intermediate or advanced ice hockey programs offered by these Westchester ice rinks.

10 Activities for Long Island Kids During Presidents Week

As if Long Island kids haven't had plenty of time off due to the snow, they now have a week-long break coming up. For those of us not lucky enough to be flying off to a tropical location--or enrolling them in a Winter Break Camp--it might be hard to find ways to keep them occupied during the vacation. So here's a quick list of 10 fun activities to fight off boredom and keep everyone happy. And don't forget to also check out our Inside Activity Guide and Long Island Events Calendar for more events. Enjoy!

This Week, February Break Fun, Free Indoor Places to Go with NYC Kids, Last-Minute Midwinter Break Travel Deals

The Presidents' Day holiday weekend and midwinter break are the big to-dos across all of our sites. Here in NYC, we rounded up 30 things to do over February break and inexpensive but enriching vacation camps, plus our Winter Fun Guide is packed with lots of other awesome options. If you're looking to get away for a day or two, our regional sites have posts about the best things to do over break in New Jersey, Long Island and Westchester.

Does this never-ending winter have you dreaming of cozier (or at least less snowy) climes? Our Travel site has a list of last-minute midwinter break deals, including three in Florida that are looking pretty tempting right about now. That's assuming you can get a flight out, but perhaps the fantasy is enough to keep you warm.

If you find yourself stuck at home during part of the break, our fun and easy WeeWork projects are great boredom busters. In fact, if you do any of our WeeWork activities, snap a pic, share it on social media and you just may win tickets to Baby Loves Disco. Get all the details on our giveaway page.

Whatever you do over midwinter recess, we hope you have fun, and stay safe and warm! Here's what else we covered on the NYC site this week:

Weekend Fun for Boston Kids: Trains, Science, Magic and More Trains, Feb 15-16

February school vacation kicks off this weekend, and Boston offers plenty of ways to keep kids busy throughout the break. Options this weekend range from interactive readings of Kadir Nelson’s I Have a Dream picture book at Faneuil Hall to a model train show at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation in Waltham.

National Engineers Week begins this week; check out the special events that will keep kids interested in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines. We’ve also highlighted over 30 museum events and special activities taking place throughout February School Vacation Week. And if you’re thinking about visiting Southie this weekend, take a look at Kristin's new post. Read on for things to do this weekend, and be sure to visit our events calendar for more ideas.

Our Wee Works projects continue to receive rave reviews - you can see the entire series here. If you’ve enjoyed the projects, why not sign up to get WeeWork activities delivered to your inbox?

