Pumpkin Plunge Halloween Party at Five Star Swim School - Deptford

Sat Oct 21, 2023
2:30pm to 4:30pm ET
Age: 6 months to 15 years
Price: $20
Five Star Swim School - Deptord

Join Five Star Swim School - Deptford for the Annual Pumpkin Plunge Party, which is the perfect way to celebrate Halloween around the pool. Families can swim, play party games, eat snacks, and decorate a pumpkin.

Feel free to bring your Halloween costume or Halloween pajamas to change into after swimming.

Tickets are $20 per child, and parents can accompany their child for free or swim with them for $10.

Click here to reserve your child's spot today. Space is limited.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.