Dancin' Mamas

Wed May 8, 2024 - Wed Jun 26, 2024
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Wednesdays through June 26, 2024.
11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Age: Moms with babies ages 3+ months
Price: $15

Being a mom is so incredibly rewarding! But it can also be isolating, draining, and monotonous. Everyone tells you to take time for yourself, but with baby in tow, that's not always possible. Dancin' Mamas is a dance class for new moms AND their babies! During this class, we'll baby-wear our littles while we dance it out to fun and popular music. 

All babies should be at least 3 months of age with strong head control. 

First class FREE when you mention code word "Mommy Poppins" 

Please register at dancinmamas.com to secure your spot! 

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.