Linkin Blogs: Better Sex, Financial Perspective, New Clothes and More

Ahh, another week in news. The debates everyone was dying to watch turned out to be fairly dull, I suspect I wasn't the only working mom out there that couldn't even stay awake. And then there was the crazy karmic coincidence of OJ being convicted 13 years to the day of his last acquittal.

Keep reading to get the low down on how you can feel better about your finances, pick up some fashion tips and realize that your sex-starved partner is not alone (so tell him to stop complaining already).

Free Fun Friday - the Great Children's Read, Atlantic Antic, Goody Two Shoes Discount and More

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Take advantage of the amazing fall weather this weekend with our pick of the best free outdoor kids events. Find out where you can hear They Might Be Giants, the coolest weekend activity for four-year-olds and why now is the time to hop on the Roosevelt Island tram. Plus, keep reading to get a special discount code for half price tickets to Goody Two Shoes kid-disco where you can party like it was 1999.

Mad about Madagascar at the Bronx Zoo


This weekend is going to be great zoo weather. Nice and sunny and cool, but the big summer crowds are gone. We visited the Bronx Zoo and had a great time. It made us wonder why we don't go there all the time.

The impetus for our visit was the new Madagascar exhibit. (I can't imagine where I got that idea from). And it was definitely worth the trip. While Madagascar isn't as dramatic as the Congo exhibit with it's amazing gorillas, it was fun for everyone and I gathered some tips for visiting the Bronx Zoo along the way.

Ten Healthy After-School Snack Tips and Cupcake Kids Winner

Sometimes it just seems too easy to give in to giving treats for after school snack; it's what your kids want and it's convenient. But we got many great suggestions from the comments of  our Cupcake Kids Back to School Snack Class giveaway that are sure inspire healthier and fun after school snacking.

Interestingly, the comments reinforce the proposition of Cupcake Kids' cooking classes, that if kids are involved in making their food, they will be more likely to eat healthy stuff. Most of these tips center around kids being involved in the preparation of the food or make eating into an activity.

Here's Top Ten Healthy After-school Snack Tips.  Plus, keep reading to find out the winner of the Cupcake Kids giveaway!

Linkin' Blogs: Happy 5769, Beyond Chicken Nuggets, the Failings of PBS and More

This week saw endless more talk of politics and the economy which is nearly impossible not to follow to the exclusion of all else so once again, I present you with the lighter side of the news this week!

Happy 5769. Yup, that's why there is no public school or alternate parking on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. The Daily News waxes poetic about using honey in your Rosh Hashanah recipes and includes a recipe for the perfect matzoh ball soup. And, if you haven't already seen it
