Links: Momsicles, Preschool Advice, Eco-Friendly NY, More

1/14/09 - By Jodi

200901140642.jpgWhile searching far, wide and near for today’s roundup of links I’ve been reminded of the terrible stress of putting your kid in daycare for the first time.  There is a universal maternal (and paternal!) tension around this topic.  After the jump is a personal recommendation for my peeps in Brooklyn.  Also: exploring the fear of getting separated from your kids on the subway, a new tool for measuring the alcohol content in your breast milk, and listen sister – let’s make sure you’re not smearing one of the eleven worst facial moisturizers on your mug, OK?


Putting Junior into daycare is one of the hardest steps to take as a new mom.  One message board based in Brooklyn is looking to give you advice, written by parents, for parents.  My own recommendation for a great new place for the Brooklyn Babies is here, but make sure to explore the whole board for a lot of great resources on many different topics. [Park Slope Parents]

Wondering where to spend your green in the interest ofbeinggreen in NYC? Check out this guide to Eco-Friendly New York. [Gridskipper]

What’s your plan when you get separated from your kids on the subway?  Help a mama out.  [Pistols and Popcorn]

Go look in the cabinet and double check that your moisturizer isn't on this list -The eleven worst facial moisturizers.   [Shine!]

Are you full of guilt about breast-feeding after that glass of wine with dinner?  What about after a few cocktails at the birthday party?  A new product will help measure how much alcohol is being passed through your breast milk. [Milkscreen Moms]

And if serving your baby breast milk has become too mundane, have you ever considered giving them a momsicle? Yes, that's a popsicle made from breast milk. While I want to mock, I'm guessing it's great for teething babies. Would you, could you, momsicle? [Mother 2 Mother]