Are you following KidBuzzNY, Our Twitter Group?

2/24/09 - By Anna Fader

kidbuzzny-widget.png I have to admit. I've always been afraid of starting a forum or anything like that on this site. It feels like hosting a party when you're not sure if anyone is going to come. But I'm pleased to say that our new Twitter group, KidBuzzNY, has really taken off. In just over a week we already have over 100 followers and a very active group of contributors sharing ideas, tips and information on cool stuff for kids in New York.


I figured to start out Karen and I would have to do a lot of the posting ourselves, but I've been so pleased to see that everyone is joining in. Besides Karen and myself, Raven from TimeOut Kids has posted and so has GoCityKids, plus lots of tips from our readers. And there have been some great tips, thanks to all of you, like free admission to the Cloisters, cool and quirky events, and hot tickets to kid shows.

It's a great group. If you're not signed up, do it now. It's free, easy and will keep you in the know wherever you are. You can get updates on the on- site widget, in your email or on your phone via the web or SMS. Read more about KidBuzzNY here. If you have any questions about it, email me. And have fun!