Baby Yoga Class at Vivvi Hudson Yards

Sat May 18, 2024
10:00am to 11:00am ET
Age: Babies until active crawlers
Price: FREE
Vivvi Hudson Yards

Baby Bean Yoga provides a bonding opportunity for new parents and their baby beans in a yoga environment. The program consists of simple baby poses and stretches that benefit a baby's new body as well as playful songs and gentle stretches for the grown-up. 

Please bring a yoga mat and a small blanket. 

Yogi Beans

Yogi Beans' mission has always been to help kids everywhere grow healthier and happier for life. Its immersive, multi-textured wellness experiences are specially designed “edutainment” that engage the child’s viewpoint at every stage of their health and wellness journey. Yogi Beans accomplishes this by teaching a mind, body, heart-centered, and socially directed curriculum. The curriculum and pedagogy are designed to nurture each child’s full human potential.  Yogi Beans is the experts at translatng the practice of yoga into a language that children can understand and... read more
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